Study Away and 出国留学


出国留学 at Bryn Mawr promotes students' academic and personal growth, with personal advising a key focus for undergraduates. 批准项目 offer a wealth of opportunities all around the world.


While the College encourages all eligible students to consider study abroad, study abroad is not appropriate for all students. Some of those students might be well-served by a semester as a guest student at a U.S. 机构. 近年来, we have had Geology majors study in Hawaii and New Mexico, History of Art majors study in New York City, and Political Science majors study in Washington, D.C. Ordinarily, such study occurs in the junior year, but there is some flexibility. Please note that Bryn Mawr grant aid cannot be used to fund study at another 机构 in the U.S. Students interested in this option should consult with their dean and major adviser. Bryn Mawr also awards credit for 海上学期Williams Mystic Maritime 研究,和 Semester in Environmental Science at the Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole, Massachusetts

For all domestic study away options, the College's usual transfer credit policies and procedures 应用.

Students who will be pursuing domestic study away should consult their major adviser and dean to ensure progress towards degree. Students must meet with their dean to complete a Notice of Departure for the semester, ordinarily at the time of preregistration for the upcoming semester.   They will also be charged a continuing enrollment fee.

Summer Study at Other Institutions

Bryn Mawr students frequently take classes during the summer at other 机构s. They may do so for a variety of reasons. Students interested in transferring the credits earned towards their Bryn Mawr degree should consult the transfer credit policies.

Summer Study at Bryn Mawr

通过 Russian Language Institute, Bryn Mawr also offers intensive language studies in Russian, from the elementary to the advanced level. These courses are divided into two four-week sessions. The RLI is coeducational and counts among its students undergraduates from Bryn Mawr and elsewhere, as well as graduate students and teachers. 
Grades in summer school classes at Bryn Mawr are included on Bryn Mawr transcripts and in Bryn Mawr GPAs. Summer courses at Bryn Mawr also count towards the residency requirement. However, they are also subject to the ordinary limits on summer school courses: i.e., no more than two units of credit may be earned per summer, and no more than four units of credit may be earned through summer courses.

暑期出国留学 Sponsored by Bryn Mawr

Bryn Mawr赞助 Institut d'Études Françaises d'Avignon which offers a six-week program of intensive advanced work in French literature and culture. The program is open to students of all genders, both undergraduate and graduate, from other colleges and from Bryn Mawr. Some of the courses carry graduate credit. Courses at Avignon are often taught by Bryn Mawr faculty and are always taught and graded according to Bryn Mawr standards. Therefore, grades from these courses are included on Bryn Mawr transcripts and in Bryn Mawr GPAs. However, these courses do not ordinarily count towards the residency requirement.

Other 暑期出国留学

For information about summer study abroad at overseas 机构s and other study abroad programs, 请参阅 暑期出国留学 页面.



Undergraduate 院长办公室

Eugenia Chase Guild Hall, Lower Level

9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday