

Academic Requirements Report 常见问题


每门课程的毕业要求都列在已出版的课程目录中. The requirements can be found in the Academic Program section of the 布林莫尔目录 或者在 学术节.

你可以从你的“学术进展”页面访问学术要求报告. Once t在这里, click on the left side navigation tab for "Academic Progress." Your Academic Requirements report is displayed.

The report is broken down into three main areas: 

1) College Academic Units completed will show when you click on the ">" (right-pointing arrow) under "Academic units." Then your units will display, e.g.: "单位:32.00要求,12.00个,20个.00需要:.  居住单元要求:毕业时和在布林莫尔居住期间的总单元, is visible under the Residency Units heading.  再一次。, click on the ">" (right-pointing arrow) under Residency Units and you will see what you have completed, e.g.单位数:24.00要求,12.00人,12人.00需要."


  • 艾米丽·鲍尔奇研讨会
  • 定量的准备
  • 外语
  • Approaches to Inquiry: Critical Interpretation, 跨文化分析, 对过去的探究, 科学调查
  • Quantitative and Mathmematical Reasoning
  • PE Requirement (Wellness, Swim Test, Physical Education electives)

3)附加课程:计入总学分和实习要求的课程, 但不符合大学要求(包括成绩单和考试学分)


带有复选标记的绿色圆圈: means you have taken the course.  A grade will be visible in the grade column.  只接受成绩为2分的课程.0 of higher will satisfy a college requirement.

黄色的钻石: this is a course you have preregistered for or are in the process of taking. Once this course is graded and if you receive a 2.0或更高, the icon will become the "taken" icon.  If you do not pass the course with a  2.0或更高, 你会在学术要求报告的“附加课程”区域看到列出的课程.

计划: If you have add the course to your academic planner, 他们将显示为完成需求,并给出“计划”图标. 


A "satisfied" requirement will have a green check mark, click on the check mark to see what course satisfied the requirement.

If a requirement is "not satisfied," the requirement will be open. 搜索 the catalog to find a course that fulfills the approach.

  • Courses you have completed with a 2.0分或以上,并且您当前注册的课程将完成报告中的要求. Completed requirements are marked "Satisfied." If you do not complete in progress courses with a 2.0 or better, they will not fulfill the requirement.
  • 如果需求被“满足”,需求区域将折叠,需求将显示“已满足”." To view the courses used to complete the requirement click the ">" symbol (right-pointing arrow).
  • 标记为“未满足”的要求不符合您所修课程或当前注册课程的要求.  Courses taken CR/NC must have a grade of 2.0 or greater to satisfy the requirement.
  • Sometimes you have taken more than one course that fulfills an approach, the first course you took will appear.

If you have questions about your Academic Requirements Report, please visit the 注册商's Office in the Lower Level of Guild Hall, 或电子邮件 registrar@selenaumbrella.net



先决条件是你必须在注册另一门课程之前完成一门课程.  (必修课程是指一门课程必须同时选修或在注册另一门课程之前选修). All prerequisites are listed in the course description for each course. 先决条件是到位的,因为对某些课程的主题的先验知识是必需的.

If you don’t meet prerequisites (or co-requisite), you will not be allowed to register without a permission number.

有些院系会在注册另一门课程之前列出建议的课程. 这些课程不是强制性的, 但是院系认为这些课程可以帮助学生更好地准备课程材料. 如果没有必要的预备课程,学生可以在上课前咨询他们的院长或专业顾问.

You should talk to the instructor of the course. 在某些情况下, 老师可能会觉得你的备课仍然可以让你在课程中取得成功.  If they permit you to take the course without the prerequisite, you will need to obtain a permission number from the instructor.

No, not all courses have prerequisites. 如果课程描述中没有列出任何内容,则该课程对所有学生开放.


Learn more about your credit/no credit (CR/NC) options.

您必须在仿生注册(在注册确认结束后开始)以申报课程学分/无学分.  注册完整学期课程的最后期限是在课程的第六周结束之前.  This deadline is strictly enforced.  If a student changes their mind prior to the end of the deadline, 他们可以使用相同的程序将课程恢复到正常的评分基础.

Credit/No Credit (CR/NC) is taking a course pass or fail.  这是一个可以让你承担学术风险或追求新主题的选择.  教授提交的CR/NC课程的成绩不计入你的GPA.  You will receive credit toward graduation as long as you earn least a 1.课程中0分.  在你的成绩单上会出现“CR”(学分)或“NC”(无学分),而不是成绩.   在参加CR/NC课程时,您被视为该课程的常规成员,并且必须按时完成课程的所有学术承诺.  The instructor will not be notified of your CR/NC registration.

是的.  请注意,布林莫尔CR/NC规则适用于其他机构的课程.

是的.  However, you must earn a grade of 2.0 or above in such a course in order to fulfill the requirement.   如果小于2.0但大于1.0,你仍然会得到学分,但不满足要求.

You cannot take courses in your major department as CR/NC.  如果你选了一门CR/NC课程,然后决定主修该专业,成绩将被披露. 

是的. 你至少得得2分.课程中0分 for it to count towards your minor.

You can take up to 4 units CR/NC throughout your four years at Bryn Mawr.  You can only take one course CR/NC within a given semester. 

例外: If you are taking a course that is CR/NC for everyone (e.g. 合唱团或管弦乐队),你仍然可以选择在普通CR/NC选项下选修一门课程.  转校生在布林莫尔的每一年都可以根据入学时的学年选择一个CR/NC单元.

您可以通过查看学生中心的成绩页面查看涵盖的数字成绩 仿生

No. 一旦CR/NC截止日期过了,你的成绩就不可能被公布了.  The only exception is if the course becomes part of your major, 因为在CR/NC选项下,学生可以不上任何专业课程.


  • Law schools don't like to see a pattern of CR/NC courses, but one to two CR/NC courses is generally fine. 
  • 医学院和其他卫生专业的研究生课程希望看到先决课程的实际成绩. 

布林莫尔健康专业咨询办公室编写的一年级和二年级学生指南建议如下:“少修(或不修)学分/非学分课程.  最好把所有的课程都修一遍,因为医学院寻找的是那些在本科期间不断挑战自己的申请人. You must take all of your premedical requirements for a grade.如果您需要额外的指导,请咨询卫生专业咨询办公室.

注册办公室在决定你是否有资格获得优等成绩和最优等成绩时,会考虑学分/无学分课程的成绩, but these grades are not uncovered.

Please see the special Covid Credit/No-Credit FAQ 在这里.




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