
All requests for transfer credit are approved by the Registrar. To ensure that work done at other Colleges/Universities will be eligible for credit, students must obtain approval for transfer credit before enrolling in classes elsewhere. These general guidelines apply to all students and the list is not exhaustive. If you have questions about your specific situation, please reach out: we're here to help.


  • 只有在认可的四年制学院和大学学习的文科课程才会被考虑转学.
  • Four semester credits (or six quarter credits) are equivalent to one unit of credit at Bryn Mawr.
  • 最低成绩2分.0分或C分或以上才能转帐. 不接受C -或“学分”的成绩.
  • No on-line, correspondence, 或者远程学习课程, 即使是那些被认可的四年制大学赞助的, 有资格转学.
  • 注册主任不能在没有收到外部机构的正式成绩单记录完成的课程和最终成绩的情况下授予学分.

Guidelines for:

  • Transfer credit is only given for courses in the liberal arts. A good rule of thumb: if the department exists at Bryn Mawr, then likely it will transfer.  For example, 商业课程不能转学, Economics courses do; Journalism courses don’t transfer, 创意写作, etc.
  • 网上课程不提供转学分.
  • Transfer credit is awarded for full terms/semesters/quarters only.  短期学期课程的学分不能转学(包括但不限于短期课程), mini sessions, Jan terms, j项和冬季).
  • Credit is only awarded for courses taken at accredited colleges and universities. 在一个学生被布林莫尔大学录取后, 学分只授予授予学士学位的认可的四年制大学的课程(见下面的入学学生转学分)。.
  • 在大多数学校的学期制中,推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的一个学分相当于四个学分(或四个“学时”). 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的一个学分也相当于大多数学校的六个学分(或六个“季度”).
  • To receive transfer credit for a course, you must receive a grade of at least 2.0 (C)或其等价物.
  • Credits transfer; grades do not. 转学课程或海外学习课程的成绩不会计入你的GPA,也不会显示在你的成绩单上. You should keep a copy of your external college's transcript for your record.
  • Individual transfer courses are not listed on your Bryn Mawr transcript. 成绩单上只写了你就读的学校, 你参加的日期, 获奖单位.
  • Summer courses taken at Penn are considered transfer courses. (参见下面的暑期作业部分了解更多信息.)
  • 记住布林莫尔的居住要求限制 校外学分(转学和考试学分), 包括出国留学, 新生入学共8个单元. Transfer students see the Transfer Student and McBride Scholar section below. See the College Catalog 有关居住要求的详细说明.
  • 对于要评估的学分, a转学机构的正式成绩单必须提交给布林茅尔注册办公室进行评估.

任何希望使用专业转学课程的学生必须事先咨询专业顾问. Departments very seldom permit students to count transfer credits as 300-level courses in their majors.

高中期间完成的大学课程最多可转四个学分,包括在社区大学学习的课程, two-year colleges, 通过双招生项目. These credits are “banked” – evaluated by the Registrar’s Office and saved, 但不会张贴——直到需要的时候.

Courses must have been regular college classes taken with other college students on the college campus. 在高中教的大学课程, 在学院或大学为高中学生开设的课程不符合转学分的条件.

Credit will be given only for those community college courses taken before the student was admitted to Bryn Mawr. Community college courses may not be taken between admission and your first semester at Bryn Mawr.

在布林莫尔大学期间,你可能想用你的银行学分来代替你完成了欠负荷的一个学期的一个单元(3个单元而不是4个单元)。, 或者加速,提前一两个学期毕业. Students should confer with their Dean about plans for using your banked credit. Please contact the Registrar’s Office to talk about posting your credit.

一旦学生被布林莫尔录取, 只有在授予学士学位的四年制学院或大学学习的文科课程才能获得学分. 在其他机构注册任何课程之前, a student should consult with her Dean to discuss how her plan fits in with her overall program, and with the Registrar to ensure the course is eligible for transfer. Courses will not be considered for transfer credit without the form, here.

国内留学是出国留学的另一种选择. 它通常是为美国学院和大学为访问学生设计的特殊项目预留的. 这是一个持续的 enrollment fee 出国留学. Bryn Mawr奖项的功劳 SEA Semester威廉姆斯神秘海事公司 Studies, and the Semester in Environmental Science at the Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole, Massachusetts, check the Deans网站了解更多信息.

如果一个学生想在美国的另一个机构获得一个学期或一年的学分,作为一个全日制学生,必须事先得到该机构和她的项目的院长的批准, Major Adviser, Registrar, 以及其他相关部门. The institution and courses must meet the general transfer credit guidelines outlined above.

Normally, 学生在学期制学校每完成4个学分,在季度制学校每完成6个学分,将获得1个单位的布林莫尔学分. 许多学院和大学的标准全日制课程是15-16个学期的学分,分布在5门课程中, 这将会是4个布林茅尔单位. For example, 成功修完四门3学分的文科课程,成绩达到C (2).0) or better at another four-year institution should expect to receive three units of Bryn Mawr credit. Similarly, 在另一所四年制大学成功完成五门3学分的文科课程并取得C或更高成绩的学生将有望获得四个单位的布林莫尔学分.

学生在本学年计划出国学习,除须经院长批准外,还须经外国学习委员会批准, 主要顾问和其他适当部门. Students must enroll in a normal standard full-time program during their time away. 每个项目的标准全职负荷 approved program is included with the program information on the 留学网站. For more information about when and how to apply, consult the 留学网站

Students planning to take course work over the summer for transfer credit must obtain advance approval 从书记官长那里得知他们的计划. 申请批准在夏季学习,提交 暑期修读申请表.

Summer courses must be at least four weeks long and 3 semester credits (5 quarter credits). Standalone .5个单位不予转让. 一个布林毛尔单位等于四个学时. Many courses at other institutions are only three credit hours. However, 只要你希望参加的暑期课程是学期制的三个学分,至少为期四周, Bryn Mawr will "round up" the course and accept it as equal to four credit hours. If the summer course you wish to take is offered on the quarter system, 这门课必须修满5个学分才能转换成你的布林茅尔学位.

在课程结束时,应将正式成绩单发送到布林茅尔学院注册办公室(邮寄至)进行信用评估. 成绩单应不迟于10月15日寄出th of that year. Up to four units of summer transfer credit may be counted toward the degree; of these, 在任何一个暑假,所修学分不得超过两个学分.

Reminder: Summer courses taken at Penn are considered transfer courses. Students accepted into a summer course/program (including Penn) are responsible for all associated costs.

暑期出国留学 differs from our academic year Study Abroad Program. 没有预先批准的项目列表. 学生直接支付暑期课程的费用. However, 当寻找一个程序, our approved academic year program list is a good place to start, 因为我们的许多合作伙伴也有夏季课程. 所有标准的夏季转学分规则适用(见上文).

申请暑期出国留学,须提交“ 暑期留学申请表 to the Bryn Mawr College Registrar for credit evaluation and approval.

The Registrar’s Office will complete any home school authorization required by summer abroad programs.

More information about 暑期出国留学 may be found on the Summer Global opportunities website.

Note: Students pay for summer study directly unlike during the academic year.


在布林莫尔大学入学前完成的工作学分将按照上述一般指导原则计算. Ordinarily, 居住要求意味着转学生将被要求获得所有剩余的居住单位. 通常情况下,修满8个或更少学分的学生在居留期间将获得至少24个学分. 那些引进9至16个单元的人通常需要完成剩余的居住单元.

二年级学生转学需要获得特殊情况委员会的许可才能进行海外学习. 学生将被要求证明将出国留学纳入其主要工作计划的令人信服的教育理由.


麦克布里底斯进入布林莫尔大学可以将在社区大学学习的16个学分转换为学分, two-year colleges, 或者四年制大学. However, no credit is given if that college work counted towards a student's high school graduation requirements.


通常情况下,修满8个或更少学分的学生在居留期间将获得至少24个学分. 那些引进9至16个单元的人通常需要完成剩余的居住单元.


在评估转学生以前的工作时, 首先对内容和可转移性进行审查. Then the remaining units are reviewed as a whole to calculate the overall units to be transferred. Bryn Mawr units are equivalent to 4 credits on a semester calendar and 6 credits on a quarter calendar. 可转让学分的总数将除以布林毛尔等价物,得到可转让学分的总数. Example: If you completed two semesters at your previous institution, 秋季15学分,春季18学分, 我们首先要看一下所有的课程是否都属于文科,并且符合我们的转学分2分的门槛.0 (C). 如果所有课程都是可转学的, we would total the credits and divide by 4 to arrive at the units transferred (15+18=33; 33/4=8.25,轮至8个单位). 只可转让整及半单位.

注:非评分课程(及格), Credit, CR, etc) can only transfer if we receive documentation confirming the grade is at least 2.0 or better.

转学生和麦克布莱德学生能够完成大学的学术要求(探究方法), Foreign Language, Emily Balch Seminar or Quantitative Readiness and Quantitative Methods) through transfer courses.

All transfer students will receive a detailed transfer credit evaluation with admission.


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Bryn Mawr College
101 N. Merion Ave.
Fax: 610-526-5139