Special Programs

考虑到城市项目的跨学科重点和灵活性, 任何两个城市专业的课程都是相同的,这是很罕见的. Recurrent emphases, however, 反映专业的优势,并结合学生兴趣的创造性轨迹.

Praxis: Volunteerism and Internships

城市项目致力于将课堂上的理论和分析研究与真实城市的经验和问题相结合. Through exercises in our first classes, 费城变成了一个城市实验室,学生们必须在里面检查建筑, neighborhoods, policies, and solutions, in dialogue with planners, activists, and citizens. For more advanced students, 我们鼓励他们通过志愿工作来发展这方面的经验知识, summer projects, and internships.

Volunteerism, in fact, 代表了一种社区服务经验,许多学生已经从高中带到了城市项目中,并在他们自己的社区工作. This experience, which can be fostered by a number of Bi-Co programs, 丰富了讨论,甚至导致了关于人类栖息地或教育和环境问题的论文.

更正式的实习机会往往出现在暑期. 许多学生利用暑假与当地规划人员探讨职业发展问题, work with architects, explore the worlds of journalism, or join the struggles of community development organizations. 虽然这通常意味着要回到美国各地的家乡, 学生们还探索了各种各样的机会,如在巴基斯坦农村的医疗诊所工作,或在布宜诺斯艾利斯组织棚户区社区. The Bolton Junior Fellowship, established through a donation from the Elisha Bolton foundation, 每年为一名大三学生提供补充资金,以完成无薪实习或基于服务的研究. Recipients have worked with housing development in Boston, grassroots credit in Washington Heights, New York City, and architecture and planning in Barbados. These advanced internships also underpin many senior theses, 学生将实践和理论结合起来,重新思考他们在“动手”环境中处理过的问题.

Within the curriculum, City 450(城市实习)允许学生在城市教授的指导下在费城地区实习 Praxis program. Here, 对专业的广泛兴趣转化为同样广泛的实习机会, working with local Hispanic community organizations, fighting for environmental legislation, dealing with welfare reform, organizing changing neighborhoods, and working for Philadelphia Magazine. 这些实习往往成为职业选择的基础,以及毕业后的终身公民义务. 希望利用这些机会的学生应在学期开始前咨询顾问和实践办公室.

Minor in Environmental Studies

城市计划与其他部门一起提供辅修课程 Environmental Studies. Students interested in environmental policy, action, 或设计应该通过CITY 175和GEOL/CITY 103的专业学分. 一旦他们上完生物课220(可以算作一门附属课程), 他们可以通过建筑课程来培养他们的专注力, policy, 以及自然科学的相关选修课, social sciences, and humanities. 集中的文件一般应与主要工作计划同时提交. 学生还应该仔细考虑他们在大三出国留学的选择,以及衔接专业和专业的论文题目. 在规划课程时,建议尽早咨询环境研究主任.

Concentration in Latin American and Iberian Studies

这种专注要求具备西班牙语能力,完成哈弗福德的西班牙语/普通课程240或同等的布林莫尔课程,以及与城市顾问协商选择的专业内外课程. 论文题目也应反映在拉丁美洲和伊比利亚主题的兴趣. This concentration also has links to a five-year cooperative M.A. program in Latin American Studies at Georgetown. Students interested in the concentration should contact Martin Gaspar in Spanish.

3+2 Master in City and Regional Planning

这种与宾夕法尼亚大学城市和区域规划系的协议允许学生获得a.B. 在布林莫尔大学主修城市增长与结构,并在五年内获得宾夕法尼亚大学城市规划硕士学位. 在布林莫尔,学生必须完成学院研讨会, quantitative, foreign-language, 城市发展与结构系的专业要求和基础. The student applies for the M.C.P. program at Penn in her junior year. GRE scores will be required for the application. No courses taken prior to official acceptance into the M.C.P. program may be counted toward the master's degree, 并且不超过8门课程可以同时计入A.B. and the M.C.P. after acceptance. 

Study Abroad and Off Campus

在学校规定的范围内,也鼓励学生出国或校外学习 Bryn Mawr and Haverford rules and practices. 一般来说,一个学期的课程是首选,但也有例外. 城市项目经常与在建筑史上很强的校外和海外学习项目合作, planning, 以及那些让学生追求社会和文化兴趣的设计. 有兴趣在大三的全部或部分时间外出学习的学生必须在大二的时候咨询主要顾问和相应的院长.

Other Programs

那些将自己在城市的兴趣与法律相协调的学生创造了更多的轨迹, mass media, medicine, public health, or the fine arts, including photography, drawing, and other fields. 城市项目认识到,许多领域正在出现新的问题和关切. 这些都必须以城市空间和经验数据的坚实基础来满足, cogent choices of methodology, and clear analytical writing and visual analysis. In all these cases, 尽早和频繁地咨询专业顾问,并与其他学生讨论是城市项目的重要组成部分.


Contact Us

Department of Growth and Structure of Cities

Old Library
Bryn Mawr College
101 N. Merion Avenue
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010
Phone: 610-526-5334