


的一个.B. degree may be conferred with the college-wide degree distinctions of cum laude, 优等生和优等生.


所有累积平均成绩不低于3分的学生.40 or higher (excluding CR/NC and transfer grades), are eligible to receive the degree cum laude. [关于计算GPA的完整信息]


以确定是否有资格获得优等生, grade point averages are recalculated to include grades covered by CR, NC和Haverford非数值等级. 所有重新计算的平均成绩为3分的学生.60名或以上的学生有资格获得优等学位.


决定是否有资格获得优等生, grade point averages are recalculated to include grades covered by CR, NC和Haverford非数值等级. The 10 students with the highest recalculated grade point averages in the class receive the degree summa cum laude, 重新计算的平均绩点等于或超过3分.80.

Note: For the last five years the 10 students with the highest recalculated grade point averages in the class have had recalculated grade point averages equal to or exceeding 3.90.


除了 to College-wide honors, most departments may also award honors in the major. 每个系对这些荣誉都有自己的标准.


The following textbooks have been assigned for Bryn Mawr Classes and are available in the 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 Bookshop located in the Lower Level of the Campus Center.

Textbook in格式ion is as up-to-date as possible based on in格式ion provided to the 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 Bookshop by college faculty and our suppliers. The book list is subject to change at any time at the discretion of the faculty. 价格可由我们的供应商自行决定. 书店的价格会随着新的数据和货物的到来而更新. 

请到 这个链接 浏览有关教科书的资料. 

The 注册处 can verify enrollment status and dates of attendance at 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜. Many insurance and scholarship institutions require specific forms which should be forwarded to our office for processing. 可下载的表格也可在 PDF or  格式.

Third party requestors must contact the 全国学生信息交流中心 for enrollment verifications. They can provide instant enrollment verifications to employers or others needing background screenings. 如欲申请注册验证,请访问 www.degreeverify.org. 布林茅尔的代码是003237.


Occasionally students will also need their enrollment status verified for deferring loans. This usually requires a specific form from the loan servicing agency. These forms should be submitted to the 注册处 in Guild Hall for completing and sending to the loan agency.

Alumnae of 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 may request a degree verification by telephone or in writing. 毕业验证表格可下载于 PDF or  格式.

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 has authorized the 全国学生信息交流中心 to provide Degree Verifications to employers or background screening firms. 雇主必须通过学生信息中心获取信息. 如需学位验证,请访问 www.degreeverify.org. 结算所的通讯地址是:

                  Herndon VA 20171


批注实质上是一份真伪证明. 截至10月. 15, 1981, the US became a member of the 1961 Hague Convention which abolished the requirement of legalization for foreign public documents. The Convention provides for the simplified certification of public (including notarized) documents to be used in countries that have joined the convention. 根据海牙公约, signatory countries have agreed to recognize public documents issued by other signatory countries if those public documents are authenticated by the attachment of an internationally recognized form of authentication known as an apostille.


开始这个过程, please carefully read the following in格式ion from the Pennsylvania Department of State: 我如何取得加签或证明?


  1. 成绩单申请表格 或者一个 文凭重订申请
  2. PA状态 申请文件合法化表格
  3. 开给……的支票 宾夕法尼亚联邦
  4. 一个大的(大约). 9x12 inches), stamped/pre-paid mailing envelope addressed to the Pennsylvania Department of State
  5. 第二件大事, 贴上邮票/邮资已付的信封,收件人是你自己, 这样国家就可以把完成的文件寄给你了


                  101 N. 梅里恩大街.

We will notarize your transcript/diploma for free and send the document along to the state with your other paperwork. 然后州政府会在文件上签名并邮寄给你. 如果你有其他问题,请联系梅根·肯尼 mkenny@selenaumbrella.net.


  • CR/NC后的成绩不包括在内.
  • 哈弗福德学院的成绩, 斯沃斯莫尔学院, and the University of Pennsylvania are included provided the course was taken while the student was active at Bryn Mawr and taken during the Fall or Spring semesters. (Summer courses taken at these institutions or while a student is on leave from Bryn Mawr are not included)
  • Grades transferred from other institutions (including Villanova) are not included, 即使是在常规学期(秋季/春季)上课.
  • 包括布林茅尔夏季学校课程成绩, both courses on the Bryn Mawr campus and courses taken at Institut d'études françaises d'Avignon.
  • 其他院校的暑期班成绩不包括在内.
  • 平均绩点计算到小数点后三位.

Please note that for determining eligibility for the two highest graduation honors (优等生和优等生), CR/NC之后的等级也包括在内.


布林茅尔的大部分课程价值1美元.0的单位. 有几门课程(主要是强化语言)值1美元.5个单位和四分之一类价值0.5单位. The number of units for the course can be found on your transcript or by looking at your courses in BIONIC.

布林莫尔的课程都是4分.0规模. If you have questions about the letter equivalent grade, please reference the grading scale.

GPA =总绩点/总尝试单元数




  • [au:] [au:.0个单位)- 3.70 (3.总分70分)
  • 生物学报[j].5个单位)- 3.00 (1.50总绩点)
  • 生物学杂志[j].5个单位)- 3.30 (1.65总绩点)
  • [参考译文.0个单位)- 4.00 (4.00总绩点)
  • [1].5个单位)- 3.70 (5.55总绩点)
  • 数学b104 (1.0学分)- CR(因为CR/NC而没有学分)

* Total grade points is the grade multiplied by the number of units.

她总共服用了5个单位.5, but she took MATH B104 CR/NC which does not count towards her GPA. 因此,为了计算GPA,我们将其除以4.5(不包括1.0单位计CR). Gpa = 16.4 / 4.5 = 3.64年平均绩点

如果你即将毕业,毕业典礼将在五月举行. Although some students might complete the Undergraduate Program in December, they are invited and encouraged to attend Commencement the May after completing their academic requirements.

Commencement Participation: The College holds a Commencement Ceremony every May to honor students who have finished their degrees and those who are on track to finish in 8月 and December. 参与, students present a viable plan to the 注册商 early in the spring semester demonstrating that they will complete all degree requirements by the upcoming May, 8月, 或12月. 除了, students who finish degrees in 8月 and December who chose not to participate the previous May are invited to celebrate their completion at the following May Commencement instead.

有关毕业典礼资料,请浏览 会议和活动开始信息网站.




101 N. 梅里恩大街.