Meet the Staff

Writing Center Staff

Leadership Team

Chloe Bricker '25
Sofia Diaz '24
Lillian Ernst '24
Tessa Famatigan '24

Writing Consultants

Graduate Students in Arts & Sciences

Meg Hankel | GSAS Writing Specialist
梅格是艺术史的博士生. She provides consultations to graduate students from the Graduate School of Arts & 任何类型的写作任务的科学:课程作业, conference papers, articles, dissertations, and job market materials.


Graziella Pierangeli '24 英语文学,副修哲学和博物馆学
Graziella is very excited to be working at the Writing Center this year! 她来自科罗拉多州的爱德华兹. She is a big fan of Pride and Prejudice远足,还有牛肝菌.

Katie Schroeer '24 环境研究,辅修政治学
Katie (she/her) is delighted that her utter disregard for page limits has not prevented her from joining the amazing Writing Center crew! She is deeply Minnesotan, 但我很想听听地区政治, linguistic quirks, 或者你家乡奇怪的小众节日. 当她不读书或写作的时候, 你可以在新宿舍看到她在搬运冰块, 用Sunrise Bryn Mawr骚扰政客, staring at the stars, 或者在社区花园里吃覆盆子.

Lillian Ernst '24 国际研究,辅修法语
Lillian (she/her) is excited to be a part of the Writing Center staff for her third year! From the San Francisco Bay Area, Lillian is majoring in International Studies with a minor in French. 她喜欢挑一套漂亮的衣服, sunbathing on rocks, 探索大费城, tattoos, and having a sweet treat. 她对工作充满热情, 作为写作中心的用户, 鼓励大家报名参加预约!

Michelle Waksman '24 | Political Science, minor in History
Michelle (she/her) is excited for her second year working at the Writing Center! Originally from Yardley, PA, she is majoring in political science and minoring in history. 米歇尔喜欢读书、写作和喝很多咖啡. 不工作或上课的时候, you can find her cooking in the Well's Kosher Kitchen or watching way too much reality TV. 

Regan Riehl '24 | Literatures in English, concentration in Creative Writing, minor in Theater
Regan(她/他们)是新泽西州中部的一名大四学生. 她喜欢写剧本、表演、烘焙和缝纫. Regan is thrilled to be a writing and public speaking tutor this year, 她希望和每个人一起工作!

Sankeerthna Vedamtam '24 |罗曼语、法语和心理学
Sankeerthna (she/her) is deeply in love with languages and Indian film music and will probably start lecturing on it at the drop of a hat. You can also find her having a great time stanning kpop groups and catching movies at the BMFI in her (very limited) free time! When she’s not working or in class, she'll be sleeping or off visiting New Jersey.

Sofia Diaz '24 | Political Science, minor in Philosophy, concentration in Peace, Justice, & Human Rights
Sofia很高兴能回到写作中心度过她的第三年! 她喜欢和各个学科的学生一起工作, but always has a particularly good time working with students in Poli Sci and English classes. When she’s not tutoring, 她喜欢读伊莎贝尔·阿连德的小说, 看《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》, 和她的两只狗在一起, Kodi and Finn.

Tessa Famatigan '24 社会学与英语文学
Tessa (she/they) is delighted to be working her third year in the Writing Center! Hailing from El Paso, TX, Tessa unapologetically inserts “y’all” into every interaction she has. 她不跟阿卡贝拉一起唱歌的时候, having fun with FSA, 或者去费城参观博物馆, 你可以看到她正在喝一杯热茶, 磨练她的珠宝制作技巧, 或是沉迷于她在亚洲流散文学中的最新发现. With a special appreciation for the artistry of punctuation and the originality of every writer’s voice, 泰莎很高兴能和你一起工作!

Zoë Kaufmann '23 历史,辅修艺术史和法语
Zoë 今年能回到写作中心很兴奋吗! 她来自风景秀丽的贝塞斯达, Maryland, 当她不在写作中心的时候, you can find her in Carpenter talking about early modern Jewish history, Bruce Springsteen, 或者是女性写的奇幻小说.  


Chloe Bricker '25 | Neuroscience
Chloe(他们/她)来自洛杉矶. 在写作中心外面, they like to watch reality TV, make origami cranes, listen to podcasts, eat Twizzlers找个借口谈论他们的猫. As a STEM major她可以帮忙写实验报告或其他STEM论文. 

Chloe Morgen '25 | Literatures in English
克洛伊(她/他们)来自亚特兰大, Georgia and is majoring in Literatures in English with a minor in religious studies. 在写作中心外面 they enjoy reading, tattoos, spending time with friends, and music. 他们最喜欢的艺术家包括Neko Case和Sierra Ferrell.

Elez Beresin-Scher '25 社会学,辅修宗教
Elez (she/her) is from DC and is a sociology major with a concentration in gender and society. 在学校,她是垒球俱乐部的成员, Jewish Voice for Peace, 还有哈弗福德的FUCS董事会. 离开学校后,她在一个小农场工作,热爱烹饪, live music, banagrams, and arts and crafts.

Elinor Rivera '25 | Physics
Elinor (she/her) is so excited to be back working in the Writing Center this spring! She is a third-year physics major and enjoys taking interdisciplinary courses in lots of different departments. Outside of work, 她喜欢苏格兰乡村舞蹈, listening to music, baking, drinking tea, and going for long walks.

Hannah Cosgrove '25 地质学,辅修西班牙语
汉娜来自康涅狄格州的老莱姆. Hannah loves to spend time with friends, work in the garden, and go to the gym in their free time! They are very excited to return for another year as a Writing Center tutor.

Megan McDonald'25 化学,辅修英语文学
Megan (she/her) is from Tarpon Springs, FL, and has also lived in Iowa and New Jersey. 她喜欢在空闲时间玩《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》或《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》. 在写作中心外面, she is a Hall Advisor in Brecon and runs with the XC/track team.

Ramla Mohammed '25 | Computer Science
Ramla来自纽约的Valley Cottage. Outside of classes and work you can probably find her at your local Target, 不负责任地花光了她给你辅导的钱. 她喜欢深夜开车和散步, listening to music, watching anime, 每周和朋友们一起看电影.

Veronica Mellado '25 | Spanish, minor in LAILS
维罗妮卡很高兴能在写作中心工作! 她来自德克萨斯州的休斯顿(太空人队加油)!) and enjoys playing anything from Spanish rock to Indie on the guitar. Outside of class, 你可以看到她在影响中心工作, dancing with Pulso, 或者在活力杯学习.

Zoe Balk '25 国际研究,辅修中文
Zoe is an International Studies major with an elective track focusing on China and a Chinese minor originally from Wayne, PA. She is obsessed with learning languages and loves to read classics and YA books, write creatively, eat spicy food, and hang out with friends. Zoe is excited to join the Writing Center this year to pursue another passion, helping other students to enjoy the process of writing as much as she does!


Camille Lopez '26 | Undeclared
Camille (she/her) is excited to work at the Writing Center and is from Lawrence, MA. 她最喜欢做的事情是吃苹果甜甜圈, hang out with friends, listen to music, and watch films in her dorm. 在写作中心外面, you can find her on SGA, coordinating CARLA events, 或者在厄德餐厅大笑!

Caroline Battersby '26 | Undeclared
Caroline is so excited to be working at the Writing Center this year! She is from the San Francisco Bay Area and hopes to major in comparative literature (English and German) with a potential minor in data science. Outside of class and work, she loves to read and writes for the Bi-Co News. She also spends an absurd amount of time watching truly terrible shark and/or piranha movies with her friends.

Filomena Baker '26 | Undeclared
Filomena (she/her) is currently a sophomore and a probable political science major. 她很高兴今年能在写作中心工作. When she’s not tutoring, she likes to read, write, log on letterboxd, and play Sudoku.

Nada Elshafay '26 | Undeclared
娜达从埃及开罗一路赶来. 她打算双修城市与美术. This is her first year at the writing center, and she’s beyond excited to work with you! 她不在布林莫尔写古典建筑的时候, 你会发现她在哈弗福德的雕塑工作室里弯曲金属, vlogging, or listening to Disney music while crafting elaborate travel plans that have yet to come true.

Nora Hugo '26 | Undeclared
诺拉(她)来自波特兰, Oregon, 以及你对波特兰人的任何猜测, Oregon, is probably true of her. 她喜欢惬意的日子(需要一本好书和零食)。, picnics, 反复看她最喜欢的五部剧. When she’s not working, she can be found trying to study in Carpenter Library or enjoying game nights with her friends.

Nyla McNeil '26 | Undeclared
Nyla (she/her) is very excited to start her first year at the Writing Center! She’s currently living in Odenton, Maryland, but was raised in Houston Texas! In her free time, she loves going to museums, reading, 把积蓄都花在DoorDash上了, 和朋友出去玩!

Rachael Finke '26 | Undeclared
Rachael (she/her) is excited to start working in the Writing Center this school year! She is a prospective double major in French and Political Science and comes from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Outside of school and work, 她喜欢在Bi-Co音乐节目中演奏小提琴, 听各种各样的播客(她欢迎推荐)!),散步,喝卡布奇诺.

Sydney Schmidt-Nowara '26 | Undeclared
Sydney is from Brooklyn, NY, and is super excited for her first year working at the Writing Center! In her free time, 西德尼喜欢谈论相亲真人秀, daydream about fun outfits, 花时间和她的朋友在一起.


Tutoring Hours

10 a.m. to 10 p.m.

1 p.m. to 6 p.m.

2 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Read Our Blog

On-the-job musings 由BMC写作中心导师撰写
