Taylor Hall

Billing Information

Billing Due Dates

Learn more about when bills are available and when payment is due.

Important Billing Information

Bryn Mawr发送学生账户账单的官方方法是电子账单,学生账户与Nelnet商业解决方案合作提供这项服务. The College does not mail billing statements.

根据1974年的《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》, (FERPA), commonly called the Buckley Amendment, student accounts and billing statements are in the student’s name. 学生可以在Nelnet的学生账户中添加额外的派对. 有关此主题的更多信息,请参阅授权方部分. Watch this short video 了解FERPA的更多信息,以及它与Nelnet账户的关系.

学生每学期都会收到发票,并在账单可以查看时发送电子邮件通知到他们的校园电子邮件帐户. Please see viewing your bill, located on the left menu, for detailed instructions for students and authorized parties.

学生可以通过Nelnet选择在他们的学生账户中添加一个授权方. An authorized party will be able to view the student account, make payments on behalf of the student, or set up a monthly payment plan. 被授权方每学期也会收到一份账单,如果有到期的余额,每月也会收到一份账单. 将一个人设置为被授权方也允许学生账户与该人讨论学生的账户. 请注意,这只是与学生账户有关的事项.


  • Log into Bionic.
  • Go to Financial Information.
  • Click on "view account and make payment" from the menu. Please note this link will take you to Nelnet. 如果没有打开新窗口,请确保禁用弹出窗口拦截器或Bionic已添加为可信站点.
  • 选择位于页面右侧的“添加授权方”链接.
  • Follow instructions to add an Authorized Party.
  • There is an option to allow for full details. 选中此复选框将允许授权方查看学生帐户的详细信息. 如果未勾选此框,授权方将只能查看帐户上的总费用.
  • 我们将向您的授权方发送一封电子邮件,说明如何设置授权方帐户. 
  • For more detailed instructions, please view this document or watch this video.

Important Notes

  • You may set up more than one authorized party.
  • You may de-authorize parties at any time. 
  • 学院不能代表学生或家长设立授权代理人.

Authorized Parties

根据1974年的《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》, (FERPA), commonly called the Buckley Amendment, 学生账户是以学生的名义开立的,并且账单会发送给学生. 

学院与Nelnet合作提供学生账户服务. 关于如何付款或向学生帐户添加授权方的说明可以在页面左侧的菜单项中找到. 如何访问学生帐户的说明如下所列.

Student Instructions

  • Log into Bionic. You may be asked to confirm your personal details.
  • Go to Financial Information. 
  • Click on "view account and make payment".  A new window should open. 如果没有,请检查您的弹出窗口阻止设置,以允许Bionic弹出窗口.
  • If this is the first time accessing your Nelnet account, you will need to confirm demographic information and enter a pin.
  • 您的学生帐户仪表板将显示包括您当前的余额, access to statements, and transaction details.
  • For additional instructions refer to this document.

Authorized Parties

  • Authorized parties 将收到一封电子邮件时,帐单帐单可用,并可以点击电子邮件中的链接访问Nelnet.
  • 获授权人士亦可按此直接前往Nelnet: http://www.nbspayments.com/SignIn.aspx

Only accepted and completed financial aid awards, including Bryn Mawr College Scholarships, Federal Aid, State Aid, 外部奖学金和任何其他已知的援助来源都包括在学生的发票上, either as posted aid or as anticipated aid. 请注意,勤工俭学和校园就业奖励不适用于学生账单.

Billing and Payment Policies

学生的注册构成了及时支付所有到期款项的协议. 学生通过学院系统以电子方式向布林茅尔学院提供的签名或确认是有效的,具有法律约束力. Additionally, 通过接受布林茅尔学院的录取通知并注册课程, 每个学生都有责任支付所有学杂费, including room and board, for which the student is liable. 不付款的学生将被扣留. The College does not assess late fees at this time.

逾期未付的学生,其帐户将被冻结. 此hold阻止成绩单的释放,直到余额全部支付. The hold displays in Bionic on the Tasks tile. Transcript holds are released daily once payment is made. 如有疑问或对成绩单保留提出上诉,请与办公室联系.

在一个学期内未解决余额的学生将被禁止注册下学期,并不能参加房间抽签, if applicable. 在帐户被搁置之前,会向学生发送电子邮件警告. The hold will display on the Tasks tile in Bionic. Once a registration hold is on the account, 必须确认收到资金后,才能解除持有. 电子支付需要3个工作日,纸质支票需要10个工作日. 任何预期的经济援助资金必须支付到学生账户. 

拖欠学费的学生不能参加毕业典礼,也不能领取学徽. Email warnings are sent to students in advance of graduation. 在结余全部付清后,才会发放毕业证书.

退还的费用为25美元,并记入学生的账户. 这是在付款的金融机构收取的任何费用和Nelnet收取的任何处理费用之外的. 通过纸质支票或网上付款时,请确保资金可用,并确保在网上付款时正确输入帐户信息. 如果您不确定您的路由或帐户号码,请在付款前与您的金融机构核实. 

Undergraduate Billing and Due Dates

Term Bills Available Due
Fall 2024 Semester Bills Last Week of June August 1, 2024
Spring 2025 Semester Bills 1st Week of December January 2, 2025


Term Bills Available Due
Fall 2024 Semester Bills 4th Week of July September 3, 2024
Spring 2025 Semester Bills 3rd Week of December January 21, 2025


Term Bills Available Due
Summer Session 1 2024 Bills 1st week of May May 30, 2024
Summer Session 2 2024 Bills 2nd Week of June July 8, 2024
Fall 2024 Semester Bills 4th Week of July September 3, 2024
Spring 2025 Semester Bills 3rd Week of December January 21, 2025

Postbaccalaureate Tuition Billing and Due Dates

Term Bills Available Due
Summer Session 1 2024 Bills 1st Week of May May 30, 2024
Summer Session 2 2024 Bills 2nd Week of June July 8, 2024
Fall 2024 Semester Bills 4th Week of July September 3, 2024
Spring 2025 Semester Bills 3rd Week of December January 21, 2025

Contact Us

Student Accounts

Benham Gateway Building — Third Floor
101 North Merion Avenue
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010
Phone: 610-526-5500