

日期:2024年1月31日- 2月5日

Book by August 31 and receive a $700/person air credit!

Join either a six or nine day expedition in stunning Central America!

Wander through Belize's tropical wilderness and kayak or paddleboard along white sand beaches. Take a dip in turquoise lagoons with unique opportunity to snorkel alongside sea turtles, 射线, and tropical fish win the world's second largest coral reef system.

伯利兹堡礁, the largest reef system in the Northern Hemisphere, 揭示了数百种鱼类, 神奇的海龟, 优美的光线, 温柔的海牛, 还有90多种珊瑚. Much of Belize remains genuine wilderness, with large expanses of dense tropical forest, 绵延数英里的河流, 丰富的鸟类生活. 

Extend your trip by visiting the stunning ruins of the Ancient Maya World. 发现很少访问的yaxh, a critical ceremonial site and the third largest ruins of the Maya world and then spend a day at Tikal among extensive, 保存完好的石庙, 宫殿, 正式的平台, 梯田, 道路笼罩在葱郁之中, wildlife-harboring植被. 

国家地理探索 accommodates 100 guests across 50 cabins and comes equipped with open air space, 观景台, 餐饮空间, 橡皮艇, 皮划艇等!

To make a reservation, contact Lindblad Expeditions at 888-773-9007 or groups@expeditions.com.



Pricing includes all meals indicated, all alcoholic (except some premium bands) and nonalcoholic beverages, 健身中心入口, 所有的旅行, 日常活动和更多! Air fare, passport/visa fees, meals not indicated are not included. 


  猫. 1 猫. 2 猫. 3 猫. 4 猫. 5 猫. 1个人 猫. 2个人
野生伯利兹逃亡 $4,660 $4,750 $5,070 $5,350 $6,170 $6,550 $6,990

伯利兹到蒂卡尔:珊瑚礁,河流 & 玛雅世界的废墟

$6,650 $6,940 $7,260 $7,540 $8,360 $8,930 $9,370

带上孩子们: Take $500 off the double occupancy price for each person under 18.

旅行团延期后: 伯利兹到蒂卡尔:珊瑚礁,河流 and 玛雅世界的废墟

的 expedition continues inside the Maya Biosphere Reserve- which is twice the size of Yellowstone National Park. Journey deep into the Jungles of Guatemala led by a local guide to discover the spectacular Mayan temples and pyramids of both Tikal and Yaxhá and see over 400 bird species as well as monkeys.


国家地理探索 gives you rare access to the turquoise lagoons and white-sand beaches of the Mesoamerican Reef. She is equipped with a fleet of onboard tools—snorkel gear for every guest, 橡皮艇, 皮艇, stand-up paddleboards—so you can experience this vibrant habitat up close and with all your senses. 一艘非常舒适的船, 国家地理探索 features open decks, 宽敞的小屋, 慷慨的窗户, 还有一个舒适的弓区. Life aboard ship is warm and welcoming. 的 lounge graciously accommodates the expedition community during evening Recaps, and the casual dining room serves meals in a single seating with unassigned tables for easy mingling.


行程 stops and sequence subject to modification. 

Arrive in Belize City where we embark 国家地理探索. (D)

Awake anchored in the northern cayes of the Mesoamerican Reef System, second only to Australia’s Great Barrier Reef in terms of scale and biodiversity. Enjoy a full day to further explore this dynamic ecosystem. Take to the water by kayak or stand-up paddleboard, or don a mask and fins and dive into turquoise waters to encounter sea turtles, 旋转的热带鱼群, 温柔的护士鲨. For scuba divers, incredible dive opportunities abound (additional cost). (B L D)

Spend the morning discovering Mayflower-Bocawina National Park. Join the naturalists for a hike along one of the trails to photograph tropical plants, scan the treetops for winged wonders, and spot the tracks of tapirs and jungle cats. 的 national park is dotted with remote and strategically placed “camera traps,” which frequently capture images of the legendary and mystical jaguar, 在玛雅文化中备受尊崇. 在Bocawina, we learn about ongoing research into the behaviors of Belize's jaguars from scientists and researchers. 今晚, enjoy a festive music performance by the internationally acclaimed drumming group 的 Garifuna Collective. (B L D)

在晨曦中, 我们在猴河口, where we board 橡皮艇 to cruise inland through the Belizean jungle in search of toucans, 绿鬣蜥, 还有无数的鸟类. Few experiences rival hearing the first throaty roar of a mantled howler monkey echoing across the canopy. 今天下午, 伯利兹堡礁在呼唤我们, home to idyllic sandy isles and vibrant corals, where we enjoy more opportunities to explore by snorkel, kayak, 站立式桨板. For scuba divers, there are incredible dive opportunities (additional cost). (B L D)

Our second straight day on the reef brings us into the central cayes where we anchor close and go snorkeling, paddleboarding, 潜水, or kayaking inside the fringing reef. Coral patches dot the shallow lagoon, 窝藏鹦嘴鱼, 蝴蝶鱼, 章鱼, 以及其他海洋生物. (B L D)

Return to Belize City overnight and disembark after breakfast to transfer to the international airport for your flight home. Or continue on our land excursion to Tikal and Yaxhá. (B)



