
The Ann Lutes 约翰逊 Visiting Speaker Series includes talks by invited scientists, 接下来还有招待会. 所有研讨会将安排在下午4点.m.,访客时间表允许.


日期 事件
5月30日 课程开始日期

1-3 p.m.:项目导向. Each student attends two workshops—one in ethics and another in lab etiquette. 公园20


10-11:30 a.m.: Lab Safety Training Part 1 (for all students working in a laboratory). 公园243年


10-11:30 a.m.:实验室安全培训第2部分(危险材料). 公园243年

6月9日 6 p.m.:学生摘要截止日期. 在Moodle上提交.
6月15日 4 p.m.: 主讲人:米歇尔·约翰逊, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine Director, Rehabilitation Robotics Lab. 位置:伊利房间,温德姆.
7月17日 4 p.m.: 工作坊:科学传播Matt Ruben,公共演讲倡议. 位置公园25.
7月19日 4 p.m.: 演讲者:Madeleine joulli, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, Department of 化学, "The Changing Face of 研究.位置网关会议室.
7月28日 4 p.m.: 演讲者:莎拉·米勒, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, Department of Dermatology, "Women in U.S. 医学院:修补漏水的管道.位置网关会议室.
8月. 4 活动结束日期
(日期s for the 10 weeks may differ by arrangement with your mentor.)
8月. 25 5 p.m.: Student Poster Deadline and Summer 研究 Summary (four PPT slides) Deadline for Bryn Mawr and Beyond Booklet (online Moodle Submissions)
9月. 22 10:30a.m. 至下午1:30..m.: 研究海报研讨会


教授. 米歇尔•约翰逊

Assistant 教授essor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Director, Rehabilitation Robotics Lab

6月15日星期四下午4点.m., Ely Room, Wyndham | Reception to follow; stay and ask Dr. 在享受招待会的同时提出问题.

"The Rehabilitation Robotics Lab at the 宾夕法尼亚大学医学院 is led by its director, Dr. 米歇尔·J. 约翰逊. All research and development is performed under her supervision and direction, and is sponsored by the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. The lab’s mission and focus is to use rehabilitation robotics and neuroscience to investigate brain plasticity and motor function after non-traumatic brain injuries, for example in stroke survivors or persons diagnosed with cerebral palsy. By examining the underlying causes of limb impairment after neural disease, 受伤, 或者大脑意外, the lab works to discover effective methods to expedite a robust functional recovery. Translating research findings into the development of extremely affordable therapeutic robots that are able to provide effective neurorehabilitation—both on the national and global level—is the ultimate goal of the Rehabilitation Robotics Lab." (Rehabilitation Robotics Lab Website, UPenn) Visit her 网站 观看她的TED演讲!

教育: B.S. (Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics), University of Pennsylvania, 1990; M.S. (Mechanical Engineering (Emphasis in Robot Mechanical System) 
University of California, Irvine, 1994; Ph.D. 机械工程(重点:机器人技术, 设计, 控制与机电一体化), 斯坦福大学, 2002.

教授. 玛德琳Joullie



”玛德琳米. 朱丽丽(3月29日出生), 1927) was the first woman to join the University of Pennsylvania chemistry faculty. She was also the first female organic chemist to be appointed to a tenure track position in a major American university. She was one of the first affirmative action officers at the University of Pennsylvania. She has a distinguished record as a teacher of both undergraduate and graduate-level organic chemistry, 作为学生的导师. Joullié is also an active researcher in organic chemistry who has published three textbooks of organic chemistry, 18篇以上综述文章, 还有300多篇科学论文. Her work in synthesizing organic compounds such as tilorone, furanomycin, and numerous cyclopeptides has led to the development of antibiotic and antiviral drugs. 朱莉尔获得过无数奖项, including the 1978 Garvan Medal from the American Chemical Society, in recognition of her accomplishments in teaching and research.”(维基百科)

"Investigations carried out in our laboratory encompass a wide range of interests in synthetic organic chemistry including heterocyclic and medicinal chemistry. Current efforts are in the following areas: (1) synthesis and chemistry of five-membered heterocycles and natural products containing such units; (2) synthesis and chemistry of fungal metabolites; (3) synthesis and chemistry of cyclopeptide alkaloids; (4) synthesis of biologically important depsipeptides; (5) synthesis of novel ninhydrins; (6) synthesis of anti- angiogenic agents.(宾夕法尼亚大学化学系网站)

教育: B.Sc. (化学) Simmons College, Boston, MA, 1949; M.Sc. (化学) University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, MA, 1950; Ph.D. (化学)

教授. 莎拉•米勒

医学教授, 包容性和多样性咨询委员会办公室, 宾夕法尼亚大学医学院


"While approximately 50% of medical students and graduate students are female, women remain underrepresented in tenure-track faculty positions in biomedical research, 特别是在副教授和正教授级别, resulting in lost opportunities for furthering biomedical research goals. The relative absence of senior female role models and perceived difficulties in achieving success discourage younger women from following this career path, perpetuating the situation and resulting in a decreased pool of available talent for research. I am addressing this problem by working with other senior women faculty to raise awareness of the existence of unconscious gender bias in recruitment and promotion committees and in scientific publishing, and to provide mentoring for junior women faculty members. 我还是宾夕法尼亚大学医学院儿童保育工作组的主席, convened by Dean Jameson to provide recommendations for an onsite Child Care Center within the Perelman School of Medicine."

Academic Focus: Molecular mechanisms regulating the formation and regeneration of skin and its appendages including hair follicles, mammary glands and teeth; Epigenetic mechanisms controlling skin development, 干细胞和癌症.(宾夕法尼亚大学包容与多样性办公室网站). Recipient of 2016 FOCUS Award for the Advancement of Women in Medicine.

教育: B.A. (生物化学)美国剑桥大学.K., 1982; Ph.D. (分子生物学)英国伦敦大学.K., 1987.



  • 苏菲画
  • 玛利亚姆海德尔
  • Linghan梅
  • Hemma Murali
  • 吠陀经Nambi
  • 莉莲Oyen-Ustad
  • 克里斯Pathmanabhan
  • 帕特里夏Sánchez蒙特霍
  • Kalaina索恩
  • 凯瑟琳蔡
  • 佩奇韦伯


  • 维多利亚伯克
  • Christianna Kutz
  • Pia洛佩兹
  • Ami冈崎
  • 莱斯利Reiffen
  • 精益任
  • 汉娜Terz


  • Yazhe冯
  • 王麒
  • 天明(徐


  • 奔驰阿彭提
  • 艾米丽Kampmeyer
  • 海伦威蒂
  • Yezi杨


  • Ranran陈
  • Hezel Gadzikwa
  • 茱莉亚林
  • 玉笙
  • 鄱阳湖苏


  • 杰西卡Breet
  • Lamiaa Dakir
  • 蕾拉法希姆
  • 茱莉亚格雷格
  • 海莉约翰逊
  • Ankitha Kannad
  • 菲奥娜竟敢管


  • 杰米DiDomenico
  • 宋李
  • 亚斯明Nahim
  • Izi西尔弗斯坦