教师 Award Guidelines


There are currently three funds that support faculty research.

  1. 1932届的爱丽丝·李·哈登伯格·克拉克学院研究资助基金
  2. The Madge Miller 研究 Fund
    该基金提供小额赠款,协助教员进行非商业出版物的技术编写:打字, 微型拍摄, photographic illustrations, 起草, transcription of tapes, 等.
  3. BMC 教师 研究 Fund
    This fund was established in the Fall of 1983, on the recommendation of the Deans of the three schools, for the general support of faculty research. 该基金是基于从赞助研究补助金中间接收回的成本.

有资格从该来源申请资金的学院包括终身教授、终身教授和CNTT.  The maximum request is $5,000, 但申请人应知道,委员会很少能够全额资助超过3美元的申请,在实践中,大多数奖项涉及的金额要小得多. The funds available to the Committee are very limited, 它总是试图尽可能广泛地分配给那些提交了有说服力的申请, thoroughly documented needs for research and publication support. 委员会预期预算将仔细详细,并反映出尽量减少开支的合理努力.  你可以申请连续两年的教师奖和助学金,然后你必须等待两年才能再次申请. 当可用的资金不足以满足所有申请人的需要时, 委员会优先考虑资历较浅的教员和在最近的拨款中没有收到经费的教员. The Committee does not fund travel to conferences, 每日或一日三餐, 教师的工资, and never funds retroactive payments.  In addition, the following guidelines will apply:

  1. 申请人是否有未使用的款项是由学院(不论是由资助委员会或学院的其他机构)因应先前的研究补助金申请而分配的, the committee will, except in unusual circumstances, deduct the amount of remaining funds from any new research award.
  2. 为服务补偿而支付的研究经费一般不会被计算在拨款中.
  3. For sources of funds other than those noted above, 终身教职人员可以保留不超过3000美元的资金,无需任何理由, and may request preserving additional funds, 尽管委员会在决定授予多少额外支持时,会考虑所有终身教授基金的存在. Junior faculty are permitted to preserve startup funds, except to the extent limited by their initial contracts. In determining whether, 或者说有多少, 拥有现有资金的教职员工将获得额外资金, the committee will consider, among other factors, the source of funds, the justification for preserving the funds, the length of time for which those funds have been held, 之前的奖项, 以及申请新资金的项目的性质, 需要更少的现有资金用于更具体和更深入实现的项目.


教师必须使用随附的推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜资助申请表向教师奖励和资助委员会申请. 没有必要具体说明要求提供支助的基金. 委员会将审查所有提案并就筹资问题提出建议. In the case of projects to be supported by the 教师 研究 Fund, 委员会将向教务长提出建议,由教务长作出最后决定. 所有的提案都由委员会认真地阅读和讨论. 因此,项目的描述和预算都应该仔细准备. The proposal should be written for an intelligent non-specialist. See below for link to application form. In addition to the grant application form, faculty should submit:

  • An application form
  • 一到三页的研究项目描述,包括:
    • ​​Statement of the research problem
    • 这项工作在教师研究议程的大背景下的位置
    • The scholarly significance of the work
    • 这笔赠款将支持的具体任务,包括活动时间表
    • The anticipated achievement and plans for publication
  • Two-page Curriculum Vitae or Biosk等h
  • 每个类别的详细预算和非常具体的理由(一).e. travel, copying, editing, 等.) for which funding is requested must be included.
  • 一个副本 of any proposals submitted to outside agencies for this project

Additional Guidelines for Selected Requests


The information requested is 除了…之外 the basic application.

  1. Publication subsidy: 申请人必须准备好与学院以50-50的基础分担出版费用. Awards will be made only for book publications, 申请人必须提供出版商的信,解释(a)该出版社使用的共同支付公式, (b)该媒体寻求客观同行评议的程序. 只有当出版商有声明要求作者共同支付的政策时,才会给予奖励, and when manuscripts are appropriately refereed. Note: For costs related to preparation of a manuscript, funding requests will be considered under the regular guidelines.
  2. Equipment acquisition: 申请人必须证明所购买的设备是必要的,并且不是项目合理可用和可接近的. Whenever possible, existing equipment should be utilized. 一般不支持对个人电脑等通用设备的要求. 通常来说, 委员会预期,正在进行的研究和教学所需的设备需要通过外部赠款或部门预算提供经费.


Two competitions will be held each year. The application deadline will be announced early in each semester. Application forms, vitae, and budgets should be submitted electronically as one compiled pdf to serobertso@selenaumbrella.net.


该奖项的期限将延长至颁发该奖项的下一年的夏季结束.g., awards made in 12/2020 will extend to 8/31/2022). 一份最终报告,说明所提供资金的使用情况和项目的结果,应在支持活动完成后或终止之日起30天内提交给委员会, whichever occurs first. 在审议其后的支助请求之前,必须向委员会提交最后报告.

获得资助的教师应感谢推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的支持, naming the appropriate fund, in the publication of the supported work. Upon the publication of their research, they should notify the Committee, giving a complete bibliographical reference.



Sponsored 研究 Office

莎拉·E. 罗伯逊, Director of Sponsored 研究
Phone: 610-526-5496

艾比吉尔曼, 研究 Grants and Compliance Manager
Phone: 610-526-5126

Phone: 610-526-7504

101 North Merion Ave
Bryn Mawr PA 19010-2899