Cheng Lab: 设施

Laboratory and fabrication equipment:

The Cheng Lab has a 925-square-foot laboratory space divided into three rooms provided by 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜. 

The two adjacent bigger rooms are designed for miro- and nanofabrication use, suitable for photolithography and film deposition:

  • a 100-square-foot class 1000 soft curtain cleanroom with purify water system and the ceiling lighting suitable for photolithography
  • AJA ATC Orion 5-source Sputtering Deposition System
  • Karl Suss MJB 3 光刻机
  • Filmetrics thin film measurement system
  • three chemical hoods with in-house vacuum, compressed air and gas lines
  • the ultrasound cleaner and programmable hotplate for photolithography procedure
  • TMC vibration isolated optical table
  • ETS humidity control chamber
  • Princeton Applied 研究 potentiostat (VersaSTAT-200) for template electrochemical deposition

The third room provides a quiet space for computer simulation and data analysis.


  • Two workstations with the Mumax and OOMMF software packages, Mathematica and MatLab software installed for micromagnetic simulation is located in the computer room.
  • Several networked computers with appropriate instrument control and data analysis software are available in the nanofabricaiton rooms.

Characterization equipment:

The Cheng group shares or has free access to the following on-campus major instruments:

  • 经前综合症MicroMagTM3900 VSM magnetometer
  • Agilent 5500 scanning probe microscope with atomic force microscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy capabilities
  • Rigaku Ultima IV X-ray diffraction (XRD)

The Cheng group has free access through general user proposals to the following DOE user facilities:

  • X-ray magnet circular dichroism spectroscopy and x-ray PEEM imaging at the Advanced Light Source of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
  • X-ray magnet circular dichroism spectroscopy at the Advanced Photon Source of Argonne National Laboratory

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Department of 物理

Park Science Building
101 N. 梅里恩大道
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010-2899