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Workshop is Full
$375 | 10.5 CEUs | Hybrid Format

$375 | 10.5 CEUs | Hybrid Format

In this pivotal 3-part workshop series, 井的智慧:增强社会部门健康领导者和团队的能力, 我们开始了一段变革之旅,重新定义社会领域的领导力和团队动力.

Workshop is Full

In this pivotal 3-part workshop series, 井的智慧:增强社会部门健康领导者和团队的能力, 我们开始了一段变革之旅,重新定义社会领域的领导力和团队动力. 灵感来自非洲传统的聚在井边——社区的象征, knowledge-sharing, 灵活的适应性——我们为不同的个人和集体文化背景量身定制了丰富多彩的幸福战略.

本系列旨在解决社会部门领导人面临的独特挑战. As stewards of change and care, these leaders often navigate complex, 高压力的环境会导致倦怠和团队精神的削弱. 我们的课程旨在为领导者提供实用的工具和见解, 使他们能够管理自己的福祉,并培养一种支持性的, thriving team environment.

Session Highlights:

  • Empowering Self: Delve into personal well-being management, understanding burnout, 以及自我照顾作为领导模式的重要性. 这个环节强调培养个人的适应力和为团队树立榜样.
  • Cultivating Team Resilience: 探索建立支持性团队环境的策略, embracing vulnerability, and fostering open, respectful communication. 本次会议的重点是集体福祉和创造一种相互支持和理解的文化.
  • Sustaining a Healthy Work Culture: 学会在工作场所实施健康实践, leveraging peer networks, 定期进行健康检查,以保持充满活力的工作文化.

Throughout the series, 我们将采用HEALTHY模式来指导我们的方法:尊重每个人的旅程, Establish excellence as your norm, Advance your culture with innovation, Lead with vulnerability and joy, Thrive with efficiency and passion, Hear with the intention to act, and Yield to the awesomeness of YOU.

加入我们这个丰富的系列,不仅可以提升你的领导技能,还可以灌输一种与之产生共鸣的幸福文化, to your team, and across your organization.

Workshop Overview

Registration Deadline: Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Workshop Dates: Friday, May 3; May 17; May 31

Delivery: Hybrid

CEUs: 10.5

Tuition: $375


Session Time:美国东部时间上午10点至下午3点,地点:推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜社会工作与社会研究研究生院

Focuses on personal well-being management, 探索社区护理与自我护理之间的平衡, understanding burnout causes, 以及自我照顾作为领导模式的重要性. Participants will be introduced to the HEALTHY model, 在本节课和本系列课程中,我们将把它作为一种评估和工具.

Learning Objectives:

  1. 识别社会部门领导的倦怠迹象和来源.
  2. 养成与个人和职业价值观相一致的自我护理习惯和惯例.
  3. 了解创伤知情的领导在个人幸福中的作用.

Session Time: 10am-1pm EST via ZOOM

This session addresses creating a safe, supportive team environment, embracing vulnerability, and effective communication strategies for wellness.

Learning Objectives:

  1. 学会为团队成员建立和沟通一个安全、包容的空间.
  2. 了解脆弱性在建立团队弹性中的作用.
  3. 制定策略,在团队中发起和维护健康对话.

Session Time: 10am-1pm EST via ZOOM

探讨在工作场所培养自我照顾的方法, the significance of peer networks, 实施定期检查以保持健康.

Learning Objectives:

  1. 制定和实施策略,在工作环境中促进自我照顾.
  2. 学会利用同伴网络和技术来实现集体福祉.
  3. 建立一个定期健康检查的框架,以保持健康的工作文化.


Dr. Angela Shuttlesworth headshot small

Dr. Angela M. Shuttlesworth他是高管领导力增强领域的先驱,也是变革型H.E.A.L.T.H.Y. Method, designed to revitalize team engagement, passion-driven productivity, and masterful communication. At the helm of Be.Lead.Grow., Dr. Shuttlesworth offers executive coaching, keynote speaking engagements, and bespoke executive leadership retreats, 磨练领导团队的优势,促进企业文化的弹性和一致性.

她与Wiley DiSC的创新合作伙伴关系使她能够将经验数据与尖端技术和人工智能相结合, 制定有数据依据的发展战略,以满足个别组织的需求. Dr. 沙特尔斯沃思致力于组织转型,她与波音和强生等行业巨头的卓有成效的合作证明了这一点 & 引发了关于危机期间盟友关系和卓越管理的深刻对话.

Dr. Shuttlesworth's contributions span federal, nonprofit, and local government sectors, 曾为健康等机构举办务虚会并发表主题演讲 & 人类服务部,基督教女青年会,以及多个州的市政机构. 她的战略专长延伸到通过为地方政府设计的孵化器培育小企业生态系统, 让他们在不可预测的经济环境中茁壮成长.

With a potent blend of creativity and enjoyment, Dr. Shuttlesworth授权领导者将他们的个人和组织目标结合起来, enhance emotional intelligence, and effectively combat compassion fatigue. As a certified Wiley DiSC Partner, 她利用数据驱动的洞察力来培养真实的社区联系和组织内持久的公平.

An esteemed alumna of Alabama State University (BSW), Barry University (MSW), 克拉克亚特兰大大学(社会工作政策博士), Planning & Administration), Dr. 沙特尔斯沃思的学术工作包括一篇论文,探讨亚特兰大大都会地区处于危机中的非裔美国人家庭的福祉, 强调她对社区福利和资源利用的坚定承诺.

Program Fees and Payment Options

Tuition: $375 for the series

Installment Payment Plan Option:

  • First payment of $187.50 due at registration
  • Second payment of $187.50 due by May 24, 2024

Payment Options:

  • Credit Card (personal or business)
  • 支票抬头是“布林茅尔学院”
    • Please write "NELI" in the memo section.

Mail checks to: Laura Henrich, Program Coordinator
Nonprofit Executive Leadership Institute
Bryn Mawr College
Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research
300 Airdale Road
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010-1697

Cancellation and Refund Policy

  • 如工作坊取消,学费可获全额退还.
  • 如果参与者没有在4月26日下班前通知项目他们无法参加,他们将丧失100%的学费, 或者他们是否选择在项目开始后离开.

Workshop is full

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