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把你的眼光放在组织领导上 will help you gain the tools you need to broaden your perspective to think and act systemically. This program provides concrete systems thinking tools you can apply to analyze complex situations and foster a culture of organizational learning.


申请截止日期: 9月19日星期四

Program Dates: Thursdays
2024 | October 10; October 24; November 7; November 21; December 5
2025 | January 9; January 23; February 6; February 20; March 6; March 20

Time: 9 a.m.-1 p.m.

Delivery: 混合(面对面和通过Zoom在线)

APPLY 参加简介会 

About the Program


As a middle manager, you’re the expert at directing a program or running a department. You’re frequently confronted with competing demands from leadership and direct reports. 晋升也有自己的一系列挑战.

把你的眼光放在组织领导上 will help you gain the tools you need to broaden your perspective to think and act systemically. This program provides concrete systems thinking tools you can apply to analyze complex situations and foster a culture of organizational learning.


  • Deepen your understanding of your leadership style and how it affects the creativity and productivity of your team;
  • Develop effective strategic planning skills to help your organization plan for the future;
  • Learn what it takes to become a more inclusive workplace where the unique talents, abilities, 个人的生活经历也受到重视, 员工感到受欢迎和投入;
  • Expand your current organizational practices to recruit and retain diverse staff;
  • 加强你阅读财务报表的能力, 建立组织预算, 制定金融方案;
  • Practice vetting processes that will help your organization assess the viability of new partnerships and growth opportunities; and
  • 在你的职业发展中探索潜在的道路.

Who Should Apply

把你的眼光放在组织领导上 is appropriate for individuals who have a minimum of three years of professional experience that includes direct supervision responsibilities.

How to Apply   Fees & Scholarships  提名候选人

Program Details

October 10 (on campus)

  • 教员:玛吉·杜布罗博士
  • Understand your personal style and how your strengths and challenges can affect your team’s creativity and productivity.

October 24 (on campus)

  • 教授:Fernando Chang-Muy, JD
  • 获得设计技能, lead, and monitor a strategic planning process that engages your community and ensures impact on your constituencies.

November 7 (on campus)

  • 教授:Fernando Chang-Muy, JD
  • 第一部分的延续

November 21 (remote)

  • 教员:蒂芙尼娅·阿奇博士
  • Develop a better awareness of your social identity and the impact it has on your professional development and performance, 以及你在公司里的形象和价值. Explore which elements of your identity affect how you see yourself and how others see you. Identify the ways in which your social identity impacts your leadership and management styles.

December 5 (remote)

  • 教员:蒂芙尼娅·阿奇博士
  • 多元化的组织更有生产力, innovative, 灵活,能够更好地服务他们的消费者. Learn best practices in how to recruit diverse staff and retain them through the development of an inclusive organizational culture.

January 9 (remote)

  • 教授:丹尼·格林威尔博士
  • Expand your ability to read nonprofit financial statements and develop organizational budgets. 学会预测收入和支出, 分配公共成本和间接费用, 处理有限的资金, 在财务规划中使用场景.

January 23 (remote)

  • 教授:丹尼·格林威尔博士
  • 第一部分的延续

February 6 (remote)

  • 教师:雷吉·琼斯,LCSW, MSS, MLSP
  • 在你成功地招募到一个 不同群体的人,现在呢? In this session, 你将努力建立人际交往技巧,创造尊重, trust, 以及彼此投资的意愿.

February 20 (remote)

  • 教员:Marcy Nyachogo, LSW
  • Identify your values and your passions and the different ways you can enact them in your work. Reflect on the skills and competencies that you used to achieve your accomplishments. 规划一条或多条潜在的职业发展道路.

March 6 (on campus)

  • 教师:副主任,Quanisha Green, MSS和NELI校友,Onna Jones
  • Help your organization make better strategic decisions by learning to assess the viability of new growth opportunities. Apply business skills to compare the opportunity’s potential benefits with the obvious and hidden costs to the organization.

March 20 (on campus)

  • 教师:副主任,Quanisha Green, MSS和NELI校友
  • Listen to the personal journeys of NELI alumni that led them to senior leadership positions. Become energized by the life wisdom they offer and their insights in exploring new possibilities.

How to Apply



  1. 检查申请表上的所有问题 (在此查看/打印空白副本).
  2. 收集所有你需要的信息 BEFORE 你上网填写表格. 没有保存和返回选项.
  3. 上传所需材料:
    • Application Essay
    • Resume
    • Scholarship Essay
  4. 填写申请表格.


Applicants are required to have a direct supervisor or an individual who can speak to their work as a professional fill out a nomination form.

  1. 提名你的候选人.


Tuition: 这个系列2500美元

NELI receives money from funders who support the work of organizations in the Philadelphia five-county area and in southern New Jersey.

We raise scholarship funds from funders who support the work of nonprofit organizations in the Philadelphia five-county area and in southern New Jersey. Organizations are only eligible for scholarships if they have offices and serve clients in one of these areas. NELI Scholarships are contributed by the United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey, 以及个人和其他地方, small foundations. A limited number of scholarships are reserved for participants with the greatest need. 

Two local funders offer support to nonprofit leaders pursuing professional development. At the same time you apply to NELI, you may also submit an application to the funders listed below. 

  • 道明慈善基金
    • Through its 非牟利培训资源基金, nonprofit organizations  can  receive  a  grant  for  approved  training  to  increase  their  organization’s  capacity  and skill set. 最高资助为1000美元. 应用程序正在滚动.
  • 瓦伦丁基金会
    • The foundation’s 远见领袖基金 is committed to supporting leadership development for aspiring and executive women leaders of nonprofit organizations that improve the lives of women and girls in the Greater Philadelphia region.
    • The foundation prioritizes  funding of organizations and executive and emerging leaders who are Black, 土著人、有色人种和妇女, trans, 性别扩张的人.
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