
"公平和包容是卓越和创新的引擎. A commitment to racial justice and to equity across all aspects of diversity propels our students, faculty, 并对员工进行反思,努力建立公平, open, 欢迎制度结构, values, and culture.——摘自学院的使命宣言

这份文件中概述的推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜变革的愿景借鉴了学院使命宣言中的原则和价值观,并与今天的校园产生了共鸣. This is a living document that is evolving as the needs of the campus change and as we learn from our experience.

学院更加注重多样性, equity, inclusion, and anti-racism in 2015, 采取措施逐步推进这项工作. 2020年秋季由学生领导的罢课尤其鼓舞人心 行动和加速变革New, additional investments build on these previously existing efforts in synergistic ways. 为了保持前进的重点,学院制定了一套 积极主动、不断改进的方法 to frame higher-level goals and aspirations and actions to support these goals. Through this ongoing work, we aspire to be a campus where all community members have a sense of belonging and where all community members experience the Bryn Mawr community as a place where they can grow and thrive.

Bryn Mawr’s vision for change centers on four main goals to advance diversity, equity, inclusion, and anti-racism (DEIA).

equity inclusion graphic

在这些重叠和协同的目标中,最主要的是支持社区成员对权力的过程有一个更完整、更细致的理解, privilege, 和压迫在大学里一直存在. This understanding will help us address structural barriers to equity and inclusion effectively and empower campus members to thrive and contribute their gifts and strengths to build strong narratives of belonging at Bryn Mawr.

作为一个支持尊重和严格探索不同观点的学习型社区,共同投资学院的工作对这种方法至关重要. 这些行动以开放和谦逊的态度提供,并意识到它们将不断发展,并从学生的投入和实施中受益, faculty, staff, 和管理人员一起做这项重要的工作

The College began publishing annual DEIA plans and year-end reports of work by students, faculty, staff, 2015年的管理者. 由于下面列出的许多行动都是持续的, please see the 2023年夏季进度报告 for more details.


目标:推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜社区将对结构性种族主义和权力的过程有深刻而细致的理解, privilege, 许多方面的压迫都是持续的.


  • 总统办公室将继续提供支持 teach-ins on equity, inclusion, and anti-racism topics through compensating presenters and providing organizational support.
  • The President’s Office will offer larger-scale community opportunities for learning such as the 推进包容性卓越 speakers series.
  • 学院将为学生组织方便的讨论, faculty, 和工作人员讨论当前的种族问题, racism, and anti-racism.
  • Administrative division leaders will continue to provide professional development programming on equity, inclusion, and antiracism issues.  Division leaders will create a repository of educational and training resources so that these can be circulated with other divisions with the goal of coordinating and deploying educational and training resources more strategically.
  • 本科一年级的课程将教授社交工具,以促进积极的社会互动,减少无知或偏见造成的伤害.
  • The new Student Programs Coordinator will work with colleagues across the College to support first-year undergraduate students in understanding the Honor Code and community values and expectations.  院长办公室将与荣誉委员会合作,审查实践和协议,并做出调整,以增加公平.
  • GSSWSR will host monthly facilitated discussions on structural inequality open to the whole campus community.
  • GSSWSR’s Center for Student Success will offer workshops and training focused on how the dynamics of power, privilege, 压迫塑造了生活经历, and provide pedagogical support for faculty teaching the required GSSWSR course on this topic. 
  • gsssr针对一年级学生的CONNECT计划将扩大有关解决微侵犯的课程内容.
  • GSAS will offer Black History Month programming for graduate students to complement College-wide programming.
  • 跨学习机会, we will take steps to create learning goals and to assess learning directly. The Office of Institutional Assessment, Planning, and Assessment can provide support for this work.


  • The new curricular requirement on “Power, Inequity, and Justice” will launch in AY ’24. In the fall semester, 17个系将开设23门课程, 春季会有额外的课程. 教务长办公室将继续为开发课程以满足这一要求的教师提供课程开发资金.
  • 教务长办公室将提供财政支持,并与其他教务长合作,支持新的TriCo亚裔美国人研究项目. 
  • The College will pilot instruction of first-year Korean in AY24 with support from the Flexner Lectureship.
  • The Provost’s Office, 与教师合作, 职业和公民参与中心, and the Registrar, will continue the Inside-Out Prison Exchange Program pilot and explore ways to expand the College's involvement with this teaching program at State Correctional Institution Chester and possibly with other correctional facilities.  
  • 教务长办公室将与教师合作, 包括非洲研究的新教员任命, 支持非洲研究的项目规划.

Measurable Outcomes: Campus-wide participation in programming; positive impact and learning of programs as measured by impact surveys of programs; improvement in perceptions of campus climate. 利用直接评估来衡量学习.

GOAL: Address structural issues and barriers to equity and inclusion for students, faculty, and staff.


  • The Enrollment Division will review and model expansion of the replacement of loans with grant aid for more students on need-based financial aid to help address cost as a barrier to enrollment.
  • 学院将于2023年8月完成与费城社区学院(CCP)的谅解备忘录.  各种CCP和BMC部门都为CCP学生创建了转学到布林茅尔并完成学位的衔接项目.


  • 本科学院院长将进行政策审计,每个部门检查其政策和做法, identifies areas that could negatively impact student success and belonging, 并提出适当的修改意见.
  • gsssr聘请了一名外部顾问,协助执行公平视角,审查其做法和政策. Among other changes, it continues to modify course schedules to remove barriers to enrollment.
  • 首席信息官和收集工作人员将继续执行现行的《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》(NAGPRA)的遣返程序, and the Departmental Collections Working Group will ensure that our Collections’ policies for acquisition and use of collections are ethical across the College and consistent with best practices.
  • The Title IX policies website and manual will be revised so that they are simpler to follow, provide timetables, 并概述程序步骤. 第九条官员将为学生事务提供定期培训, Athletics, Campus Safety, and other staff who may hear concerns related to possible policy violations.

 Building Understanding

  • 本科学院院长 will explore the creation of a Social Justice Fellow in Residence program that would bring a social justice advocate to campus to collaborate with administrators, faculty, staff, 和学生推进学院的使命,建立公平, open, 欢迎制度结构, values, and culture. 通过分享专业知识和支持学习和探索, the Fellow would facilitate the progress of equity and anti-racism initiatives at the College.
  • The Title IX Officer, 与本科院长办公室的工作人员合作, will revise education and training provided to students and student leaders about Title IX and sexual misconduct. They will also offer a workshop on Title IX for new GSAS students and for teaching assistants.
  • 校长办公室将继续支持工作场所顾问的努力,协助教职员工寻找解决工作场所问题的资源.


  • 学院将继续改善校园和校园空间的无障碍环境,今年的重点是实施寻路/标志项目, 道路庭院的翻新, 通过希林福德球场的改造,Merion Green周围形成了一个可达的步行环路(还将包括一个可达的观看区)。, 通往修道院的无障碍入口, and widening office doorways as part of the ongoing Park Science renovation. 

 Creating Opportunities

  • The Investment Office will collaborate with the Center for Career and Civic Engagement to create a Finance Careers Trek to make these careers more accessible to students of diverse backgrounds.
  • gssswsr学生成功中心将做以下工作:
    • 为所有感兴趣的MSS学生提供免费许可准备.
    • 资助三名社会部门领袖暑期研究员,以消除暑期实习的经济障碍.
  • GSSWSR will add additional writing support hours and additional computer lab hours, 包括周末和晚上, 对于白天无法访问这些资源的学生.  此外,LITS将在gssswsr提供图书馆办公时间.

可衡量的结果:更透明的过程和程序. 学生、教师和工作人员认为结构更加公平.  Representation in structures and processes reflects the diversity of our community. 在可观察的措施中对公平性进行评估.

目标:创造一个所有学生都能参与的校园环境, faculty, 员工有一种蓬勃发展和归属感


  • 教务长办公室将继续评估实践和政策,以确保教员公平和包容工作得到重视和支持. The office will continue to offer financial support for DEIA faculty initiatives, including course releases to faculty members who engage in specific DEIA work at the College.
  • GSAS will continue to organize DEIA workshops for new graduate students and inclusive pedagogy workshops for TAs, 对所有研究生开放.
  • The College Communications Office will celebrate individual and group contributions to the College’s DEIA goals.

Building Community

  • The Campus Safety Office now reports to the Dean of the Undergraduate College; it will continue its mission to provide for the safety of all community members. 
  • 校长办公室将为学生提供便利和支持, staff, and faculty initiatives to reclaim Old Library as a community space for the campus community today.

​​​Supporting Students

  • 本科学院院长, 访问服务主任, LITS, and the Provost will collaborate to ensure that programs and the curriculum are inclusive and accessible through increased staffing in Access Services (Director position is now full-time, 增加了一个新的全职助理主任职位, and a GSSWSR intern supports the work of the office); purchase of the YuJa Enterprise platform to assist faculty in ensuring course materials are accessible; offering workshops to graduate students and faculty; and continued work toward College-wide adoption of universal design principles. The College is also investigating a tool to streamline the process of making web materials accessible.
  • Planning for the summer 2023 STEMLA program emphasized finding a balance between organic community building and strategically planned cohort bonding and streamlining extracurricular offerings to align with new cohort interests.
  • The Dean’s Office will continue to partner with faculty to develop a strengths-based approach to advising.
  • The Undergraduate Dean’s division will pilot the Intercultural Living and Learning Center (ILLC) at Rhoads South, 创造一个专门的空间来探索和庆祝BIPOC归属, 泛亚洲文化遗产, 和跨宗教接触.
  • 招生和本科院长部门将合作为转学生创建一个专门的支持模式. Resources will include newly renovated dedicated space for transfer students located in Radnor (“The Burrow”).
  • 院长办公室新的校园安全联络员将与官员合作,促进与学生的积极关系. The Liaison will provide training and mediation necessary to resolve student conflicts, conduct wellness checks, and respond to calls from students who are experiencing duress to connect them with College resources.


  • 教务长办公室将加强初级教师指导计划, to support advancement and retention of faculty; the Provost has applied for an external grant to help support this effort. 
  • The Provost’s Office, 与其他办事处合作, 会否继续加强挽留教师的工作, 利用最近离职面谈的信息.
  • The TriCo institutions will assess the shared training program for supervisors offered in spring 2023 that included best practices to promote thriving for all employees and determine future approaches.

Measurable Outcomes: Reported sense of belonging increases and gaps in a sense of belonging based on identity become smaller; higher retention rates and graduation rates for all students; higher retention rates for faculty and staff; course evaluations reflect inclusive classrooms; more diverse staff and faculty at all levels.


Expanding Community

  • 招生办公室将通过更多地访问社区组织,扩大外联和招聘活动,以接触不同的学生群体, 开发新的可负担的消息传递和编程, 探索创建大学预备课程的可能性.
  • The Undergraduate Dean’s division will prioritize recruitment and retention of a diverse staff, 在该司工作人员结构的所有各级.
  • gsssr将与校友和亲缘团体合作,与现有学生团体建立联系和网络.
  • 书院传讯处会透过书院的官方传讯渠道,宣传及了解庆祝身份的机会.
  • Alumnae/i Relations and Development will continue to build a more inclusive Alumnae Association, specifically through initiatives such as Tapestry and the Black Alumnae/i Fund.


  • The ARCH Project will continue in the development of Nekisha Durrett’s artwork 别忘了记住(我).  In AY 24, student interns will work with the artist to recommend a list of those to be memorialized; Facilities staff will complete work to make the Cloisters and artwork accessible; and community members will have opportunities to interact with the artist and the artisans with whom she works. 
  • Members of the faculty, staff, alumnae/i, 学生们将参与关于纪念碑的对话, memory, 以及公共艺术在课堂和其他地方塑造知识分子, historical, 以及学院与纪念碑实验室合作的社会背景.
  • The President’s Office, faculty, and staff from LITS will continue to support the work of recovering stories about the College’s history and helping to create more inclusive narratives of Bryn Mawr’s identity and trajectory through the Who Built Bryn Mawr? 通过课程提供的项目和其他学习机会, 并通过LITS本科生和GSAS实习 students. Starting in AY’25, this work will be additionally supported through a new Postdoc position funded by a generous gift to the College.
  • GSAS will enhance its communications about DEIA work in GSAS and GSAS contributions to College history projects.


  • 校长办公室将与教职员工召集人合作,继续支持对话项目,以培养学生的能力, faculty, 让员工参与困难的对话, 并将探索扩大项目影响范围的方案.
  • 信息将从本科院长的部门,探讨这些问题收集:什么是目前的工作,以支持归属感作为DOUC部门的工作人员?  What other kinds of things do they imagine could happen to support belonging in this Division?  What can members of the division do (specifically) to support this vision?
  • 制定和实施离职面谈(可能由其他部门的团队领导进行),并遵循旨在理解的离职问题的特定规则, among other things, 归属感和气候的体验


  • 校长办公室将使用PoV(观点)调查来衡量DEIA努力对校园的影响,并与社区分享这些发现.  在可能的情况下,我们将包括直接评估措施.
  • The College will continue to look to the Campus Partnership for Equity and Anti-racism as a think-tank to support the College’s DEIA work and to support accountability for progress across all areas of the College.

Measurable Outcomes:  Continued development of this working approach that has community buy-in and support; a shared understanding of deep commitments; a sense of greater understanding and trust that allows us to move forward on deeper transformation; greater community knowledge of DEIA efforts and progress; a shared understanding of the College’s complex and varied history among our students, faculty, and staff.

关于方法、目标和行动的输入可以发送给 EquityInclusion@selenaumbrella.net.



Related Contacts


Co-Conveners: Dee Matthews (Creative Writing) and Ann-Therese Ortíz (The Impact Center)
