西尔维娅W. Houghteling

西尔维娅W. Houghteling头像


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Early Modern Art | South Asian Art | Decorative Arts and Material Culture


Sylvia Houghteling specializes in early modern visual and material culture with a focus on the history of textiles, 南亚艺术和建筑, and the material legacies and ruptures of European colonialism.

霍德林的第一本书, 印度莫卧儿王朝的布艺 (Princeton University Press, 2022) examined the textiles crafted and collected across the Mughal Empire in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, 展示了编织物如何帮助塑造社会, 政治, 宗教, 以及早期现代南亚的审美生活. The book received a College Art Association Millard Meiss Publication Fund Grant and won the 2023 Charles Rufus Morey Book Award from the College Art Association. 印度莫卧儿王朝的布艺 也是2022年R.L. Shep Memorial Book Award from the Textile Society of America. Houghteling’s ongoing research is concerned with questions of temporality and the unique material histories of the Indian Ocean trade.

霍德林获得了博士学位.D. 2015年获得耶鲁大学艺术史学士学位, where she received the Frances Blanshard Fellowship Fund Prize for her doctoral dissertation. 她的成绩是A.B. in history and literature from Harvard University (2006), and an M.菲尔。. 剑桥大学历史学士学位(2007年). Houghteling’s research has been supported by the Metropolitan Museum of Art, 美国学术团体理事会, 德国研究基金会(DFG), 富布赖特项目, 亨廷顿图书馆, Calouste Gulbenkian博物馆, 保罗·梅隆英国艺术研究中心, the Wolf Humanities Center at the University of Pennsylvania, 以及拜内克奖学金项目.

在进入艺术史领域之前, 霍德林获得了织布的经验, 纺织品染色, 时装设计, 毡呢, 刻版印刷, 和绢画. As someone who became interested in art through making it, Houghteling teaches and learns through conversations with contemporary practitioners and hands-on encounters with objects.


Sylvia Houghteling teaches undergraduate and graduate-level courses that study art objects in the context of the intercultural connections and conditions of exploitation of the early modern period; theories of ornament; the history of the textile medium; tapestry; and the visual arts and material culture of South Asia.


*If it is not possible for you to access any of these publications in your library or online, 请直接与西尔维娅·霍德林联系 shoughteli@selenaumbrella.net.

点击这里观看YouTube视频: "Conversation: Where the Wind Blows: Histories of 纺织品 and Colours in the Works of Lavanya Mani"

