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President Cassidy's Welcome Letter for the 2023-24 Academic Year

August 31, 2023

The below email was sent by President Cassidy on August 31, 2023.

Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff:
On Tuesday, September 5, we launch the College’s 138th academic year. During the past three weeks, 看到越来越多的人来到校园,感受到越来越多的活力和对未来几个月的期待,这真是太棒了. 
This fall, the College welcomes 364 members of the class of 2027, 12 new transfer, McBride, and guest students, 80 new graduate students, 68 postbac students, 12 new tenure-track faculty and several visiting faculty, and many new members of the College’s staff. We are excited to welcome you to the Bryn Mawr community, and we look forward to getting to know you better. Everyone is invited to join me for Convocation and our annual community picnic on 9/5 at 4:30 p.m.
在这些新社区成员中,本科学院院长卡琳·伯雷尔-麦克雷(Karlene burrell - mcrae), who joined the College on July 3, along with several new team members throughout the rest of the summer. Among our new colleagues in the Dean’s office are Director of Counseling Luci McNamara; Dean of Student Life Tomiko Jenkins; and Candice Love, Director of the Impact Center for Community, Equity, and Understanding (formerly the Pensby Center), who will work closely with Associate Dean AT Ortíz. 这些新同事和其他人为布林莫尔带来了丰富的经验,有望与院长部敬业的员工产生巨大的协同效应. 住在校园里的学生现在可以在校园中心的二楼找到住宿生活和学生参与办公室, and on the first floor is the Office of Academic Success.

The undergraduate dean’s division is also welcoming an entirely new office! In July, Campus Safety became part of the Undergraduate Dean’s division. 这次重组的目标是重新设想安全,支持和加强与学生的关系,同时继续为整个校园提供安全服务. A new Campus Safety Liaison Rose Miller has also joined the staff. The Liaison will provide training and mediation necessary to resolve student conflicts; conduct wellness checks; and respond to calls from students who are experiencing duress to connect them with needed resources.

We are gearing up to have an exciting academic year for our students. For example:

  • Many of our faculty and students have returned from research trips around the globe, while others have been hard at work this summer on campus in labs and in the library. We had 60 students participate in our Summer Science Research program who were mentored by 24 faculty members from eight departments. 不要错过他们即将于9月22日上午10:30在公园科学中庭举行的海报会.m.
  • Seventeen departments will offer 23 courses this fall that fulfill the new "Power, Inequity, and Justice" requirement, and more will be offered in the spring.
  • Tri-Co in the City program will be back in full swing, 学生们会发现一系列令人惊叹的课程,主题从公共艺术和纪念到环境正义,再到1865年费城的文学.
  • The 360° Program 将提供六个课程群,主题从自由的起源到来世的能量, with participants pursuing field study in Alaska, Nicaragua, France, Belize, Germany, and Missouri.  
  • 随着这个新学年的到来,推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的学生将有一系列令人兴奋的新课程和研究机会. 我们也期待听到马克·舒尔茨和珍妮特·夏皮罗的研究作为今年特聘讲座系列的一部分.
  • 欢迎所有希望提高教学能力和丰富教学经验的研究生和博士后参加 Dean’s Certificate in Pedagogy program administered by the Dean of Graduate Studies, Professor Xuemei May Cheng. 

虽然今年夏天校园里的人少了,但还是有大量的工作在进行. 设施署展开新一阶段的科学馆翻新工程, 我很感谢全体教员在搬到临时办公空间和商讨装修方面的灵活性和耐心. Work on the new artificial turf field has begun, and staff anticipate that this project will be completed in the early winter. Significant updates were done in Radnor Hall, 包括一个完全翻新的转学和麦克布莱德学生的空间,被命名为“洞穴”.“由于乡镇对部分设计的反对,学院重建Rhoads庭院并使空间无障碍的计划被推迟了, 但我们将在未来几个月继续为这个项目寻求一条成功的道路. 我们安装了一个新的电动汽车充电站,期待我们的第一辆电动蓝色巴士的交付. Finally, a significant renovation of Wyndham Alumnae House is beginning. 请注意,在装修期间,温德姆餐厅将在大部分时间保持营业, but that the Ely Room and guest rooms will be offline for the academic year. 
In June, the College published the 2022-2023 annual report 为推进多元化、公平、包容和反种族主义的目标而采取的行动. I hope you will take the opportunity to review the report, as well as the 2023-2024 action plan that was posted recently. 今年的新举措包括在南罗兹试点一个跨文化生活和学习中心 提供额外的亲和性住房,并将作为中心和整个校园内社区建设和学习的中心. Among Bryn Mawr’s ongoing commitments, I want to note two specific projects:

  • During the spring semester we launched an ongoing process to reclaim Old Library. This summer, Facilities oversaw the removal of M. Carey Thomas’ name from above the main entrance of Old Library; the entrance is now returned to its original appearance. In response to community suggestions gathered at spring events, 新的大幅面海报将很快安装在大礼堂庆祝学生, faculty, and staff of today’s Bryn Mawr.
  • The ARCH Project continues this year with research, additional design work, and fabrication of elements of Nekisha Durrett’s public artwork, Don’t Forget to Remember (Me). Mark your calendars for September 28 at 4:15 p.m. 听听Nekisha和ARCH团队成员对这个项目的看法,并分享你想要建立的社区的想法.

The fall events calendar will be busy—as usual. In addition to the ARCH Project event, I hope you will consider attending:

  • One or more of the 2023 Flexner Lectures and affiliated symposia, most of which will take place in November. Our Lecturer this year is Mindy Fullilove, MD, Professor of Urban Studies and Health at the New School (and an alumna). Dr. 富勒洛夫是一位研究城市,特别是流离失所问题的社会精神病学家, urban mental health, and collective consciousness. In her Flexner Lectures, she considers issues of displacement in 20th and 21st-century South Korea, particularly through the lens of K-drama.
  • My November 8 与德鲁·福斯特的对话,他是布林莫尔1968届的毕业生,也是哈佛大学的名誉校长. 作为哈佛首位女校长,浮士德校长将谈论她最近出版的回忆录 Necessary Trouble (note the cover photo of her on Merion Green!).
  • A new twist on our signature fall community events this year will be Owls Fest, now combining the traditions of Homecoming, Volunteer Summit, and Family & Friends Weekend October 27-28.
  • The search for the next president of Bryn Mawr has begun, and the search committee has reached out to the campus with a survey to gather community members’ input. 该委员会还将在今年秋天为每个校园选区提供聆听会议, and I encourage you to participate and share your thoughts about priorities, opportunities, and challenges.
  • 请继续关注我们即将举行的包容性卓越活动的细节,将国家领导人带到校园,与布林莫尔社区分享他们的智慧.

During the coming year, we will continue to build the groundwork for the College’s next strategic plan. 今年秋天,我将分发一份文件,该文件综合了5月份提交的四个工作组报告中的一些关键主题,作为与社区讨论的基础. 去年的信息收集过程也提出了一些可以更快采取的更直接的行动, and we will share more about these actions as they unfold. By the end of this academic year, 我们应该有一个坚实的基础,在这个基础上,新总统可以建立他们的愿景和目标. 我对工作组和为这项工作提供周到意见的每个人深表感谢.
With best wishes,

Kim Cassidy