

Since 1984 the 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 表演艺术系列 has presented great artists 和 performances to Philadelphia-area audiences, creating an environment in which the value of the arts is recognized 和 celebrated.




四月的两个星期, the Minister of Loneliness - also known as the artist Irina Varina - appeared around Bryn Mawr's campus to file community members' claims about their own fears 和 loneliness. He set up his office under Pem Arch, near Goodhart Hall, even inside Canaday 图书馆.

他的温柔, welcoming presence gave BMC community members the opportunity to freely - 和 anonymously - share what was weighing on their minds. The Minister shared some of the claims he received in chalk writings around campus after his visit.









所有级别的打击乐舞蹈工作坊+ Duende Live的鞋底

车间: 周五| 2024年2月2日|下午5点


性能: 周六| 2024年2月3日|晚7点


Bonded by their deep love of 音乐, their crafts, true connection, 杜恩德鞋底 is on a lifelong mission to elevate the joy 和 音乐 of true collaboration across disciplines 和 the celebration of the forms they practice.

根据踢踏舞的声音改编(阿曼达·卡斯特罗), 弗拉门戈舞(Arielle Rosales)和卡萨克舞(Brinda Guha), 杜恩德鞋底’s fire is the spirit that lives within each of these women to celebrate their connection given their beautiful differences 和 to uplift the forms that made them.

This event is co-curated by the Bryn Mawr 表演艺术系列 和 Bryn Mawr Dance Program.


周五-周日| 2023年11月3-5日|晚上7点


Film still from 西瓜女 over a rainbow background 和 the text "Queer Screen"

加入BMC电影系列的酷儿银幕表演艺术系列, 一场为期三晚的当代酷儿电影庆典!

11月3日星期五: 短片之夜! 欣赏获奖短片 如何避免变性人约会, 弗兰这个夏天, 购物清单, 在这里希望 幸运的鱼, 选择, Warsha.

11月4日星期六: 我们要带着谢丽尔·邓耶的餐厅回到90年代的费城 西瓜女, a ground-breaking film that’s considered a l和mark of New Queer Cinema.

11月5日星期日: 艾玛·塞利格曼2020年的喜剧 湿婆的婴儿,瑞秋·森诺特、莫莉·戈登和黛安娜·阿格伦主演. 这个筛选只对Tri-Co社区开放.


The Paradox of (Trans) Visibility: A Conversation with 混乱关系'vell安德森 和 林羚月球

星期五| 2023年11月3日|下午5点



co-presented by: Bryn Mawr Film Studies, Swarthmore Office of Inclusive Excellence, Swarthmore Film & 媒体研究,斯沃斯莫尔性别 & 性研究

We’re kicking off BMC的同性恋屏幕 with a conversation between Tre’vell Anderson, 记者,《 《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》,以及导演、编剧、主演 如何避免变性人约会.

混乱关系'vell安德森 (他们/他们)是一位获奖记者, 著名播客主持人, 也是一位作家,她围绕社会和文化做着改变世界的工作. Named to The Root’s 2020 list of the 100 most influential African Americans, 他们将自己的职业生涯奉献给了那些处于边缘的人, 灰色的空间, 在人生的十字路口. Tre’vell co-hosts two podcasts, Crooked Media's "What A Day" 和 Maximum Fun's "FANTI." Founder 和 Chief Imagination Officer of the social curation 和 media production ho使用 Slayzhon, they are also the authoress of “《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》” 和 “Historically Black Phrases: From ‘I Ain’t One Of Your Lil’ Friends’ to ‘Who All Gon’ Be There?(2023年9月).

林羚月球 is a director, writer, actress of trans experience living 和 working in New York City. Filmmaker Magazine named Nyala one of the 25 New Faces of Independent Film 2023. Nyala was selected to be a part of GLAAD’s inaugural class for New Equity in Media 和 Entertainment Initiative, 2022年, Nyala was a recipient of the Newfest’s New Voices Filmmaker grant in partnership with Netflix to Support Emerging LGBTQ+ Filmmakers.


周六| 2023年10月7日|晚7点


仅限三科学生. 将提供交通工具. 有限的地方!


见证重新想象的有影响力的首映 一次性的身体 on 在舞台上! Join the 表演艺术系列 和 the Dance Program at The Wilma Theater, 费城著名的艺术场所, 融入舞蹈的身临其境的体验, 音乐, 还有视频投影来迷惑你的感官.

探索身体的重要性, 一次性的身体 questions the treatment of both human 和 non-human forms as disposable. 通过深入研究非人类动物的现场表演, 我们挑战被保护和被遗弃生命的观念, 呼应了朱迪思·巴特勒的基本问题:“谁算人??和“谁的生命才算生命。?"


Content warning: Nudity, violence 和 graphic images of factory farming footage.

了解更多关于 一次性的身体: http://cardelldancetheater.com/disposable-bodies/


星期五| 2023年10月6日|晚上7:30



参加表演艺术系列,与地球人共度一晚, a global 音乐 collective quickly emerging as one of the United States’ most exciting Latin 和 tropical b和s.

地球人乐队有三个主唱, 背后有四只角, 三个打击乐队, 两个键盘, 还有电贝斯. The b和 plays original 音乐 that blends influences from Cuban Timba 和 Rumba, 波多黎各炸弹和普莱纳, 海地孔帕, 巴西产, 和美国灵魂, RnB, 还有嘻哈, 用西班牙语唱歌曲, 英语, 葡萄牙语, 和Kreyole. 

The members of People on Earth are committed to using 音乐 as a vehicle for social change, through sharing their passion for warm blooded groove 音乐 hope to facilitate dialogue, 建立文化联系, 并传播快乐,最终让世界变得更美好.


星期五| 2023年10月6日|下午4:30



参加表演艺术系列,与地球人共度一晚, a global 音乐 collective quickly emerging as one of the United States’ most exciting Latin 和 tropical b和s.

The All Levels Drumming Workshop is open to anyone interested in having fun learning Latin rhythms. The percussionists from People of Earth will demonstrate Afro-Latin rhythms including rumba, bomba, 满, 萨尔萨舞, timba, 并解释它们的功能, 使用, 和意义. Tri-Co students across all disciplines are invited to learn about Latin percussion 和 play in a judgment-free 和 fun atmosphere!

Excerpt of 一次性的身体, Discussion, All Levels Movement Workshop

周四| 2023年9月28日|晚7点



Join the 表演艺术系列 和 the Dance Program for an evening with Cardell Dance Theater, a Philadelphia-based ensemble that gathers artists to create imaginative 和 thought-provoking dance performances.

舞蹈演员将表演一段 一次性的身体, a multi-disciplinary dance work that spotlights the hierarchical relationships of human 和 animal bodies, followed by a discussion between Founder 和 Artistic Director Silvana Cardell 和 Bryn Mawr’s Interim Director 和 Visiting Assistant Professor of Dance, Tammy卡拉斯科. The evening will conclude with an optional, all levels movement workshop led by Silvana Cardell.

了解更多关于 一次性的身体: http://cardelldancetheater.com/disposable-bodies/

Providing talks 和 workshops free to the public to develop arts awareness 和 literacy, the 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 表演艺术系列 has partnered in recent seasons with such organizations as the Barnes Foundation, 宾夕法尼亚州的芭蕾, 布林莫尔电影学院, 和FringeArts. The Series has presented performances by such diverse luminaries as Trisha Brown Dance Company, 梅雷迪思和尚, 约翰水域, 詹妮弗Koh, 柬埔寨高棉艺术团, 都市丛林女人, 安妮Dorsen.

The 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 表演艺术系列 receives state arts funding support through a grant from the 宾夕法尼亚州艺术委员会, a state agency funded by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the 国家艺术基金会是一个联邦机构. 

与艺术办公室联系,电话 reservations@selenaumbrella.net 或610-526-5300查询更多信息.