friends center

About Tri-Co Philly

这种城市体验促进了与城市多样性的接触, complexity, innovation, and systems.

The Tri-Co Philly Experience

Tri-Co sophomores, juniors, 学术成绩优秀的高年级学生有资格参加该项目. 


城市环境通过提供场所感来增强课堂体验, 帮助学生直接了解课程中的材料是如何被他们周围的环境所影响的.

The Tri-Co Philly Program courses will be offered at the Friends Center in Center City. The Friends Center is located at 1501 Cherry Street, at the northwest corner of 15th and Cherry Streets, two blocks north of Suburban Station and City Hall. 

Getting to the Friends Center: 布林莫尔的学生将乘坐Septa地区铁路的保利/桑代尔线到郊区车站. 斯沃斯莫尔的学生将乘坐媒体/埃尔温线到郊区站. 哈弗福德的学生将乘坐诺里斯敦高铁, 在69街交通中心换乘市场-弗兰克福德线, and exit at the 15th Street/City Hall Station. Train schedules and maps are available on SEPTA’s website.

Note: 所有学生上课的交通费将由校方承担. 被费城项目录取的学生参加课程和课外活动的旅费也将包括在内.

与上课、课程和课外活动相关的旅行费用由被录取的学生支付. 前往费城Tri-Co课程的旅行也将包括参加课程但未参加该计划的学生. 

Learn about Tri-Co Philly courses here.

该项目还包括参加每月在费城举行的一些学术活动, some connected to issues of social justice, 还有一些纯粹的乐趣,以及参加讲座和参与城市志愿者的机会.

学生们通过邻里之旅和博物馆之旅来探索这座城市, community-based organizations, archives, and arts and cultural organizations.

此外,该项目还包括入学指导、期中聚会和闭幕晚宴. Learn more.

Tri-Co Philly Program Student Information

  • 费城Tri-Co项目位于费城樱桃街1501号的朋友中心. When you enter the Friends Center, 请在前台问候朋友中心的工作人员,让他们知道你是费城三科计划的一部分,并前往上课(至少你的前几次)!).
  • Classroom space/3rd floor -三科费城计划教室在马丁·路德·金(MLK)的三楼房间. 从一楼乘电梯到三楼. 出了电梯往左拐,走到走廊尽头. Turn right and walk down a second hall. The MLK Room is the door at the end of this hall.
  • Conference Room/1st floor, room 112 - (用于教师办公时间或学习/聚会空间):该空间位于建筑物的限制进入部分. To visit the conference room for faculty office hours, 请拨打(267)519-5305,以便教职员工可以让您进入办公空间. If you don’t have a phone, 朋友中心前台的工作人员可以拨打会议室号码. 您也可以拨打费城Tri-Co办公室电话(267)519-5303, so staff can let you into the space.
  • Tri-Co Philly Office/1st floor - 办公室位于一楼,也是在建筑的一个限制进入的部分. Please call (267) 519-5303 for access.
  • Friends Center reception desk number - (215) 241-7100
  • Wi-Fi access - FC_Guest (no password)
  • Bathrooms -浴室位于所有楼层电梯附近的走廊. These bathrooms are gendered male/female, but there is an all-gender, 一楼的无障碍浴室位于其他浴室之间.
  • The Friends Center Restroom Policy - 欢迎所有人使用最符合其身份的洗手间, or that feels safest or most comfortable to them. 请为每个人保持一个安全的空间,不要挑战或质疑他人的洗手间选择.
  • In case of emergency while in Philadelphia
    • First call 911
    • Then call Respective Campus Safety
      • BMC - (610) 526-7911
      • HC - (610) 896-1111
      • SC - (610) 328-8333
  • In case of inclement weather, if Bryn Mawr, Haverford, and Swarthmore Colleges are closed, classes at the Friends Center will be canceled.
  • 与天气有关的信息和更新可致电(610)896-4299或(610)328-8228. For closure information, check the schools’ homepages (,, or
  • 从您的校园餐饮服务订购包午餐的程序
  • Swarthmore students
    • At least 3 days prior, email Therese Hopson ( with the date you’ll need a bag lunch. 她会回复询问你的饮食偏好和接机时间.
  • Food options in the area
    • Reading Terminal: 12th & Arch Sts.
    • Food Trucks: along 15th and 16th streets between JFK Blvd. & Market St.
    • Tableau Cafe: This PAFA student cafe is located on Cherry St. before it hits Broad St. 美食广场位于17街康卡斯特中心(Comcast Center)的地下室 & JFK Blvd.
  • Honor Codes and Code of Conduct
    • Home-campus honor codes, and/or policies, 和行为准则适用于学生在费城. Additionally, in their courses, 学生有责任遵守提供他们所注册课程的学院的荣誉守则和/或政策.
  • Getting to the Friends Center from campus
    • BMC Students -从布林莫尔站乘坐区域铁路的保利/桑代尔线到费城,在郊区站出口. Go upstairs and out the east exit. Walk north on 16th St., two blocks to Cherry St. Turn right on Cherry St. and walk one block east to 15th Street. 朋友中心的入口在第15街和樱桃街的西北角. 通常需要45到55分钟,但一定要做到 check the schedule.
    • HC Students - Use the Norristown High-Speed Line. 最近的车站是Ardmore Ave车站(如果你住在公寓里), and Haverford Station (if you live up campus). Get on the train going to the 69th St. Transportation Center and get off at the 69th St. Transportation Center. 换乘楼下的市场-弗兰克福德线. Get off at the 15th St. Station. 出车站后,沿着第15街向北走到樱桃街的拐角处. 朋友中心的入口在15街的西北角 & Cherry Streets. It generally takes between 45-55 minutes, but be sure to check the schedule.
    • SC Students - 从斯沃斯莫尔站乘坐地区铁路的媒体/埃尔温线到费城,在郊区站出口. Head up the stairs and out the east exit. Walk north on 16th Street two blocks to Cherry St. Turn right on Cherry St. and walk one block east to the corner of 15th & Cherry Streets. 朋友中心的入口在15街的西北角 & Cherry Streets. It generally takes between 45-55 minutes, but be sure to check the schedule.
    • Public Transportation Apps - SEPTA的应用程序是免费的,是一个很好的交通时刻表、地图等资源. 谷歌地图应用程序也是免费的,可以很好地用于时刻表、路线和地图. 

Tri-Co Philly计划通过两笔赠款促进与城市的接触,以支持将校园课程与费城联系起来, and opportunities to teach program courses in the city. Learn more.

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Featured image courtesy of Paul Bartholomew. 

Philadelphia Skyline

Contact Us

Tri-Co Philly

Calista Cleary
Tri-Co Philly Program Director

Susan "Kiki" Hatwell
Faculty Administrative Assistant