Bryn Mawr Community Garden

Learn more about the BMC Garden! Feel free to stop by the garden at any time to harvest and/or help weed.


The Greens Garden Committee founded the Bryn Mawr Community Garden during the spring of 2010. Since then, we have been able to successfully grow a variety of fruits and vegetables such as lettuce, onions, spinach, corn, pumpkin, bok choy, squash, watermelon, turnips, celery, tomatoes, blueberries, and herbs.


The Garden is located in the plot between New Dorm Dining Hall and the Wyndham Alumnae House parking lot.


The garden committee organizes harvesting and planting days each semester where students are encouraged to volunteer. Students can drop by and help out anytime during garden work days!


Much of our produce is used in dishes in the New Dorm Dining Hall, Wyndham Alumnae House restaurant and in Batten House, and we encourage those who use our produce to be involved with the planning and maintenance of the garden. We also organize gardening events on campus, as well as coordinate with other clubs on campus to host events and to share resources.


For more information, please contact Amanda Moser-Shick at

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Contact Us

The Career & Civic Engagement Center

Phone: 610-526-5174