

Journalist Barbara Kevles ’62 reflects on her interviews with some of the most important women in American culture.

在20世纪90年代, 布林莫尔 Libraries acquired recordings and research materials from journalist and author Barbara Kevles ’62. Kevles, whose journalistic work is also in the collections of Yale University Beinecke Rare Book & 手稿图书馆,约翰F. 肯尼迪总统图书馆和博物馆, 斯坦福大学图书馆特别馆藏, has worked as a freelance journalist for major publications for over 50 years. 她的文章曾发表在诸如 《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》, 沙龙, 大西洋, 《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》, 《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》, 人, 《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》, 世界性的, 魅力, 红皮书, 妇女家庭杂志, 好管家.

She interviewed some of the most important women in American culture from the late 1960s through the 1970s. 学院采购的材料, 被称为芭芭拉·林恩·凯夫尔斯文件和录音, 包括近40盘奥斯卡获奖者的采访录像带, 艾美奖, 和格莱美奖, 第一位温网黑人冠军, 先锋的政治家, 国际外交家, 和更多的. Her memories of some of these interviews and their meaning to Kevles follow.


这位法国女演员摄于1955年左右. 凯夫尔斯就宪章问题采访了莫罗 职业女性 杂志. 除.com

I was supposed to interview leading French actress 男人 for the 职业女性 在纽约租船. But she bailed from the flu and then decamped to the Beverly Hills home of her husband-to-be, 导演威廉·弗里德金. 当我们终于见面时,她问:“你为什么跟着我?”

I blurted out that important creative women I’d interviewed like Pulitzer poet Anne Sexton and photographer Diane Arbus had killed themselves. 最后,莫罗给了我想要的东西. Lighting a cigarette, she said, “The choices I made, the energy, the depressions ... 所有这些都是建设性的. … When … you’re facing a wall, what’s really reassuring is … nothing lasts in life. 甚至不绝望. 甚至连幸福都没有. 它会变成别的东西. 所以这就是更新.”


与她的丈夫,参议员泰德·肯尼迪合影. 凯夫尔斯在1969年采访了琼·肯尼迪 好管家 封面故事. 除.com

“你希望别人只知道你是个性感的金发女郎吗?,琼·肯尼迪(琼·肯尼迪)在1969年的一次分水岭采访中问道 好管家 封面故事. The press had roasted her for wearing a silver mini-dress to a President Nixon White House afternoon reception.

The dumb blond moniker hardly described Senator Ted Kennedy’s wife. In 1964, she did what no other Kennedy woman had done—campaigned successfully for re-election in place of her husband, who was immobilized from a severe back injury suffered in a plane crash. In 1967, Washington’s National Symphony Orchestra invited this Manhattanville College music major to narrate Prokofiev’s 彼得和狼, a feat she repeated with conductor Arthur Fiedler in Boston and Tanglewood. Kennedy told me, “I’d rather help Ted in this way than campaign.”



Costume designer 伊迪丝头 posing with her eight Academy Award statuettes. 电影艺术与科学学院

好莱坞服装设计师伊迪丝 职业女性 assignment, took no chances on the first day of filming Universal’s multimillion-dollar 机场77. The eight-time Oscar winner had arrived at 7 that morning to be sure she had doubles, 三元组, 所有配件的四倍. Because of casting problems, many costumes were on the set for the first time. She said, “What tries the nerves is worrying whether they will photograph right.”

她补充说,“我承受着巨大的压力. I’m under such pressures that at the drop of a hat, I’d crash through the ceiling if I could.”




尤尼斯·肯尼迪·施莱弗 at the 1963 signing of the Mental Retardation Facilities and Community Mental Health Centers Construction Act. 塞西尔·斯托顿/肯尼迪总统图书馆

尤尼斯·肯尼迪·施莱弗,1976年3月的照片 妇女家庭杂志 profile, was shameless when it came to getting something she wanted done. She called congressmen and senators in the morning between 6 and 8. She once called her youngest brother, Senator Ted Kennedy, at 5:40 a.m. “尤妮斯,我在睡觉。”他抗议道. “但你现在醒了,”她说,接着说.

她唯一的“使命”是为智障人士服务的. 一天晚上,她问她哥哥, 约翰·肯尼迪总统, if he would be willing to appoint a presidential panel to study the problems and needs of the intellectually impaired. “有必要开一个小组吗??他问. She reminded him that in a recent congressional report on mental health “the retarded aren’t even mentioned.”

由此产生的1961年总统智障专家小组, 施莱弗担任无偿顾问, led to passage of the Mental Retardation Facilities and Community Mental Health Centers Construction Act, 在她哥哥被暗杀前三周签署成为法律. An associate told me: “Eunice’s the nearest thing to JFK when it comes to political instincts. 她不是那种喜欢邀功的人, 但是,是她让智障法案通过的.”


秀兰·邓波儿·布莱克和理查德·尼克松总统 and Major General Brent Scowcroft, 黑色是U.S. 驻加纳大使,1974年. 白宫照片办公室收藏

43岁的她. Charles Black still possessed the Shirley Temple pout and squiggle of dimples of her famous childhood. 我们在纽约华尔道夫酒店共进午餐 《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》 关于布莱克担任美国联邦储备委员会副主席的新角色的专题报道.S. 驻美国代表团.N. 筹备委员会的第一届美国.人类环境会议.

A waiter brought a specialty—compliments of the house—to Little Miss Marker. “你为什么没有成为你们那一代被宠坏的孩子呢??我问.

她笑了, “I started working at age 3 and at that age it seemed very natural—like, 不是每个人都拍电影吗?“我不知道有什么不同.”

The studio stress on discipline and preparation helped her excel as a diplomat. 格伦·奥尔兹大使, then number two at the mission and later president of Kent State University, 黑色被称为“美国”.S.秘密武器.作为一名前电影明星,她的知名度和魅力起到了帮助作用. “人们对此感到惊讶
“她的立场很强硬,”奥尔兹争辩道,“但她做好了准备. 这就是她意志坚强的原因.”


American film director 芭芭拉Kopple in 1975 at work on 哈兰县,美国, 她的第一部奥斯卡获奖纪录片. 小屋溪电影公司

一个月后,我采访了当时30岁的导演芭芭拉·科普尔(芭芭拉Kopple) 哈兰县,美国, a film about a miners’ strike, won a coveted Academy Award for Best Documentary. I lobbed many questions including how she handled discrimination as a woman in the Kentucky coal fields. She told about filming the last week of the trial of United Mine Workers of America President Tony Boyle. He faced charges of conspiracy in the murder of a UMWA opponent, his wife,

一位哥伦比亚广播公司的摄像师坚持要她拿到记者证. 她是这么做的——来自合众国际社——但他打电话要求撤销. She replaced them with top security American Film Institute grantee credentials and was back the next morning. 他脸色铁青. He was outside with other network camera people character assassinating us,” Kopple said. “那天是判决的日子,所以我们被安排在里面.” When they wheeled Boyle out, he recognized her, answered some questions, left. “网络摄像机的人把整个事情搞砸了,”她说.

“Suddenly, I felt this guy ripping the microphone out of my hand and yelling, ‘I’m going to kill you.’” Kopple shot back with, “Think about what you’re doing because you’re being filmed.他后退了几步.

“没必要生气,”乔布斯强调说. “It was necessary to … figure out how to get around that … to do what I wanted to do.1977年3月28日,柯普尔获得了两届奥斯卡奖中的第一届.


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